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Bay of bones ( , , Water Museum) is located 14 km from Ohrid near

the auto camp Gradiste.

Underwater archaeological research on this site (Plate Michov City), was
launched in 1997, and in 2007-2008 was performed reconstruction of part of the settlement which
presents attractive archaeological site on the attractive area of the lake.
The current findings, especially the lake abounds with remains of prehistoric settlements, ancient
and medieval objects that were submerged in water, mainly due to fluctuations of water levels and
movable artifacts found through past on the bottom of the lake, mostly due to fishing activities or
during the performance of lake traffic through past centuries.
On the locality Plate Michov City was discovered

Distance from Ohrid: 14 km (8.6

prehistoric pile settlement with time belonging to


the Late Bronze and Early Iron Age, and in the

Location: Gradiste

current research there were 6000 recorded

Open hours: 08:00 - 20:00

remains of wooden piles into the waters of the lake bottom, at a depth of 3 to 5 meters that probably
relied on common wooden platform on which functioned twenty prehistoric residential buildings, built
also of wood. The Bay of Bones represents an attractive museum complex that has various
represented content: reconstructed settlement over the waters of the lake, Roman castrum which is
conserved, restored and presented to the highest plateau of the hill "Gradiste" accessible building
with museum cabinets and facility for implementation of marine tourism.

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