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Group Members:
Valdis Ling, Aidan Ha,
Ethan Lau, Kyle
Cheng, Adrian Leung

Raft Designs By Valdis

The most basic rafts would be the
bamboo raft. The raft consist of two
major materials, bamboo and ropes.
The bamboo is placed vertically to
create a board like bass and the
ropes will be used to tie them
together. As all wood including
bamboo are porous, it will allow the
bamboo to float.

History of Rafting
By Aidan
How water rafting all started:
In 1842, Lieutenant John Fremont of the U.S. Army first journalized his rafting expedition on the beautiful Platte River.
In these days rafts were constructed from four independent rubber cloth tubes and wrap-around floor.
In 1960s, white water rafting became more and more recognized and awesome routes like The Grand Canyon were routed and
whitewater rafting companies were created.
In 1970s, white water rafting marked its major development as a leisure sport when it was then included in the Munich Olympic
In 1980s, as rafting continued to gain its popularity, a lot more rivers started be used by the pioneering independent companies
throughout Scotland, South America and Africa.
In 1990s, rafting was included in major game events like the Barcelona Games in 1992, Atlanta Games in 1996, and the white water
events of the Summer Olympic Games hosted by Ocoee River in Tennessee Valley. In addition, the International Federation of Rafting
was schooled in 1997 and in 1999 the first Official International Championship was held.
Nowadays, white water rafting is still gaining some popularity, from complete beginners to expert seeking white water enthusiasts.

Dangers by Kyle
Drowning is the #1 Danger of Whitewater Rafting. Where theres water involved the chance exists for

drowning. Drowning can occur as a result of any of the other risks listed below. It is also a real risk of its
own. Rafts flip over and people fall out of them. You will be a life vest which helps you float.But dont be
deceived, the force of the water is often greater than the buoyancy of the life jacket and when swimming
in whitewater you will get sucked under. Smashing into Rocks While death is the main danger feared in whitewater
rafting, far more likely are injuries sustained from smashing, banging, brushing, and smacking up against rocks. These types of
occurrences can actually happen while still in the raft. As rafts hit up against boulders and people get thrown about and into them.
Also, watch out for those paddles swinging in the raft. Many people have suffered a bloody nose at the hands of their friends
flailing paddles. Overexertion Most people wouldnt think that overexertion is a primary danger in whitewater rafting. The
majority of deaths that occur while whitewater rafting is due to heart attacks and among people who are out of shape. In many of
the whitewater rafting death cases the person is actually rescued but due to the exertion involved in swimming in the waters and
the rafters poor health the person suffers from a heart attack.

World Records - Adrian

Although White Water Rafting isnt a well known and popular sport in the world,
there are

Science Behind This Sport By Ethan Lau :

What happens here is that you are trying to balance your center of gravity with
other people on board and keep your raft afloat with your paddles through
buoyancy. There isnt really a lot of science in this sport as it focuses on being a
Recreational/ Extreme sport, and can be quite dangerous.

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