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The Chilibean Connection

November 13, 2015 - Volume 3: Issue 6

November...what a time to be grateful for all our blessings.

I just wanted to say that I appreciate my time with all of my Chilibean's each and
every day! I look forward to a wonderful rest of the school year. Mahalo for all the
support and kindness you have show me and the children every day! Mrs.Yee
We had a very
full week last
week! It
started with
spending time
down in
with Kumu
Ane. We
talked about
our beloved
lands of
Punahou and
the gift that
the Hawaiian
Alii gave to
the early
Missionaries to help them educate their own
children. Then we spent some time refreshing
our memories about directions and the phases
of the moon. From there we spent time
working on our Ka Punahou Chant and

learning about the sweet potato. It sure was

We spent some time this past week
decorating and preparing for Thanksgiving
and our Thanksgiving Feast! Mark your
calendars, it will be on Friday, November
20th from 10:15 - 11:45. We will be having a
short poetry reading and then we will get to
sit and enjoy a meal together! Thanks so
much in advance for all the food and
generous spirits. I am so grateful!
We are busy working on our 2nd quarter
writing pieces so be sure to check in with
your Chilbean about their stories and
progress! We are also working hard on our
Generational Timeline and will be reading a
story about a young girl and her desire to
migrate from her home country to America.
Thanks to those of you who were able to
come to the Hawaii Plantation Village field
trip! It was neat to see how families lived!

Upcoming Events & Reminders:

* 11/20/15

Thanksgiving Feast 10:15 - 11:45

* 12/11/15

2nd Grade Christmas Program

* 11/25/15

JS Professional Day - No School

* 12/15/15

December Fun

* 11/26-27

Thanksgiving Break - No School

* 12/16/15

Pj & Hot Cocoa Morning

Our School Wide Initiative for the month of November is the

Food Drive. We are collecting any and all cans for the Food
Bank! Please support our efforts and bring some cans in! Lets
make a difference for those in need right here in our own
communities. Thanks for your generous spirits and hearts.
Together we CAN show our school spirit!
Believe it or not, we have begun preparing for our second
grade Christmas Program happening on Friday, December 11
from 1:00 - 2:00pm with lite refreshments following the
performance on the Chapel courtyard grounds. It will be a
special time for all of us. You dont want to miss it!
Marshmallow is in need of fresh romaine lettuce/spinach and
vegetables of any kind. Thanks so much for taking care of her!
She is happy and the children are enjoying taking care of her
and loving her!
We also had a chance to spend some time with our 3rd grade
buddies of Kumu Nuuhiwas class. It was a very important
time for them to see some of the activities and classroom of a
current 3rd grader! We love our time together!
Dont forget to check out our newsletter on our very own
websitewe have uploaded all kinds of pictures and
newsletters and check it out!
Feel free to contact me at school: #944-5790 or at home:
#595-2228. Or you can email me at:
Cherish this time with your child and remember to live, love

and laugh each and every day!

Nothing but love, Mrs. Yee & Mrs. Egesdal

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