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Study designs: Cross-sectional

MK Epidemiologi Gizi 2015

Cross-sectional Study: The investigator

makes all of the measurement on a single
occasion or within a short periode of time.
Sample is drawn from the population & looks
at distributions of variables within this sample.
Sometimes designing predictor & outcome
variables based on biologic plausibility &
information from other sources.

Cross-sectional studies
Cross-Sectional Studies measure existing
disease and current exposure levels.
They provide some indication of the
relationship between the disease and
exposure or non-exposure

Cross-sectional Study
National Health Interview Survey (NHIS)

household interviews
National Health and Nutrition Examination
Survey (NHANES) interviews and

physical examinations
National Survey of Family Growth (NSFG)

household interviews
National Health Care Survey (NHCS)

medical records
Riset Kesehatan Daerah (RISKESDAS)
Survey Diet Total 2014 (SDT)

Cross Sectional Studies


Good design for hypothesis

Can estimate overall and specific
disease prevalence
Can estimate exposure proportions
in the population
Can study multiple exposures or
multiple outcomes or diseases

Cross Sectional Studies


Relatively easy, quick and inexpensive

No issue of subjecting any animals or
producers to particular treatments
Often good first step for new study issue

Cross Sectional Studies


Impractical for rare diseases

Not a useful type of study for
establishing causal relationships
Confounding is difficult to control
No control over sample size for each
exposure by disease subclass

Cross Sectional Studies


Problems with temporal sequence of

hard to decide when disease was
actually acquired
disease may cure the exposure

Cross Sectional

Struktur Dasar Analisis

Disease Status






a +b


c +d

a +c

b +d

Rasio Prevalens
a : subyek dg risiko dan mengalami efek
b : subyek dg risiko yg tdk mengalami efek
c : subyek tanpa risiko dan mengalami efek
d : subyek tanpa risiko yg tdk mengalami efek

RP = a / (a+b) : c /

Interpretasi hasil

= 1 : tdk ada pengaruh risiko thd efek

> 1 : faktor risiko
< 1 : faktor protektif

Daftar Pustaka

Hulley, Stephen B. Et al. 2007. Designing

Clinical Research. Lippincott Williams &
Wilkins. Philadelphia, USA.Reference
Sastroasmoro S. 2008. Dasar-dasar
metodelogi Penelitian Klinis.

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