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Robots in the Classroom

8 t h Grade Newsletter
By Ms. Dunn

F i n c h R o bo t s ac ro s s t he Cu r ri c ul um
This week at Educational Technology Academy, all 8th
Grade students will be working with Finch Robots in all
classes. This week-long experience is designed to teach
students about programing and how it can be applied to
all areas. The goal of this week is to foster an interest in
technology and its application in the real world.

A Trek across the New Land

Social Studies

What is A Finch Robot?

The Finch is a
programmable robot that
uses light, motion, and
temperature sensors,
buzzers, and motors to
teach students about
programming. The
versatility of the
programming allows them
to be incorporated all
subject areas.

Content Standard 4: The student will examine the political,

economic, social, and geographic transformation of the
United States during the early to mid-1800s.
Substandard E: The acquisition of territory through the
Louisiana Purchase and the contributions of the
explorations of the Lewis and Clark Corps of Discovery
Activity: Using the Finch Robots and a large map of the
United States, students will trace the route of the Lewis
and Clark expedition and outline the lands gained in the
representing geographical features.

Graphing Linear Equations

Standard 1: Algebraic Reasoning: Patterns and Relationships The student will graph and
solve linear equations and inequalities in problem solving situations.
Substandard B: Graph and interpret the solution to one- and two-step linear equations on a
number line with one variable and on a coordinate plane with two variables.
Activity: Students will solve one- and two-step linear equations and graph the results on
paper. They will then program the finch robots to follow the graphed line on a graph drawn
on the floor.

Observing the Environment


Process Standard 1: Observe and Measure - Observing is the first

action taken by the learner to acquire new information about an
object, organism, or event. Opportunities for observation are
developed through the use of a variety of scientific tools.
Measurement allows observations to be quantified. The student will
accomplish these objectives to meet this process standard.
Substandard 1: Identify qualitative and/or quantitative changes
given conditions (e.g., temperature, mass, volume, time, position,
length) before, during, and after an event.
Activity: Students will program finch robots to perform a series of
tasks based on its surroundings. The students will design tasks based
on room temperature and brightness and use the sensors on the robot
to obtain quantitative data.

Language Arts
Oral Language/Listening and
Speaking Standard 3: Compose
Visual Messages - The student will
create a visual message that
effectively communicates an idea.
Substandard 2: Use media forms
to create a visual message that will
compare and contrast ideas and
points of view.
Activity: Students will work
together to create a visual method
of communication with the finch
robots. The students will use beak
color, buzzer sounds, speed, and
direction to communicate with
each other without speaking.
Students will then program their
robot to trace letters and symbols
onto a large sheet of paper to
create a written language.

Tweet like a Bird


STANDARD 3: Music Expression: Performing The student

presents or demonstrates an existing work formally or
informally with appropriate expressive and technical skills.
Substandard 3: Use a variety of sound sources, including
electronic and computer.
Activity: Students will compose simple melodies and
analyze beat, pitch, and intervals used. Students will then
program the finch robots to play the simple tunes with
their buzzer.

For more information about Finch Robot week, contact the school at 555-555-5555 or
email Ms. Dunn at

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