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Unit Review 10-7-15

Materials: Sharepoint Notes, Flow Chart- Need to fill in some (2) each of front and back
Objective: TWWL how to add and subtract whole numbers and decimals
Goals: Create steps to solve problems
Lesson Relevance:
-We use decimals with money: A skateboard costs: $100.55
Anticipatory Set: Pose a problemOral Practice
1) I need to add $4,386 and $2,941.
2) What is my first step? Line up the numbers vertically.
3) Okay done, next step. Add from right to left.
4) Check my answer! See if it is reasonable or if I need to go back and check my math
2) I need to add $43.86 and $29.41.
What is my first step for this problem? Line up the numbers vertically.
Okay done, next step. Add from right to left.
Next step? Bring down the decimal!
And lastly? Check to see if it makes sense!
What is the same about these two problems?
What is different?
Are the steps similar?
Do you think it is the same for subtraction?
Give them Flow Chart Sheets (2) 1 for addition and 1 for subtraction
Input: *Give Flow Charts* Lets fill out this first chart together. We are going to go over the rules
for adding numbers with decimals.
Step #1: Line up decimals vertically
Step #2 Add a zero (placeholder) to the right of any numbers as needed
Step #3 Add from right to left
234.18+1.30= 23553
Step #4 Bring down the decimal!

Unit Review 10-7-15

Step #5 Double Check! Is it reasonable?
234+1= 235 YEP!

Now Practice: (GP)

Flip the Sheet over and do the same for Subtraction of 238.18 and 1.10
Write out steps and explain
Get started with them then let them try
Share out
Do together again

IP: Homework- review Homework directions and let students attempt

For math, my master teacher and I use an M/M pacing guide that the Garden Grove School
District provides for us, which is the 6th grade general education guide- slowed down so that we
get an extra 1-2 days per lesson. Each lesson follows either the Pearson math textbook or the
Irvine Math Project Sharepoint manual. Both texts are very difficult for my student learning 6th
grade math. I choose to focus on sections of the chapter such as Reteach Independent
Practice and Review. This is an accommodation for my students because they are able to
learn the content, without overcomplicating and adding more steps and going above the
standards. I also allow students to work cooperatively in pairs. Peers learn more from each
other than they do from the lecture. Students are also welcome to use graph paper for
organization. This is a modification most students take advantage of. I also created a
homework assignment for my students, instead of using one provided by the book. The
homework provided from the textbook was not leveled and was not easily modified. I created a
worksheet that would asses exactly what we learned so I would be able to see who understood
the lesson, and who did not and needs extra help.

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