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Data Analytics

2modules->predictive, data lang modules
Intro of people
wavelet filters
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1. Descriptive statistics
data, variable, different types of analysis
data, typical data flow, variable& values, types of data, types of variables
hard facts->mode of payment etc(customer)
retailer-> quantity customer takes, how many times he visits
variaable: describes a person/thing
eg: age, surname,weight, brand of car

nominal: categoral variables: male, female, race, yes, no

ordinal: categorized data that can be ranked good, excellent, poor, air
interval: scales with a fixed and defined intervals eg: temperature
ratio: data that has an absolute zero

types of data:
forms of data: structured, unstructured, semi structured
types of data: numeric, text
numeric types: integer, float
For example if we consider 20 people expenditures: We take name, gender, age,
expenditure. This is called "cross-sectional" of data is a sample of individuals or
households, firms, cities, states, countries

time series data: consists of observations on a variable or several variable over

several periods of time(days, weeks, months, years). We do not have a random
sample. E.g.: stock market data
seasonality: common feature in many weekly, monthly, or quarterly time series in
pooled cross sectional data: suppose that we have a sequence of cross sections
of same variable and from the same populations at years 1990,1991,... combination
of time series + cross section data
panel data/longitudinal data: we have a group of individuals(household,
descriptive statistics
types: example population data
sample: eg: nss
central tendency mean, median, mode
measures of variability: range, variance, standard deviation
best moving item in jan mth, max revenue getting on item->

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