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:Blunt Chest Trauma Scenario

You are dispatched to the university baseball field for an injured player.
Upon arrival you are escorted to the dugout, where a player is sitting up,
complaining of chest pain and shortness of breath. He was in the batters
box when he was struck in the left side of the chest with a 90-mile-an-hour
.fastball. You are going to assess this patient as paramedic

:Fall down Trauma Scenario

It is 0900 on a sunny spring day. You are called to a commercial building
where a person has fallen down a long flight of steel stairs. You are told
that the patient is semi-conscious, breathing on his own. Your scene is at
a 2-story office building with an outside staircase, you are 10 miles outside
town; an ambulance takes 25 minutes to drive to the hospital. While
?transfer you should go for ongoing assessment

:Chest Pain with Tachycardia Scenario

You are called to the local jail for a man with chest pain. You arrive to find
a 26-year-old man sitting in a processing room complaining of severe pain
in his chest and back. He was complaing of pain about 15 minutes, you are
.assessing this patient

:Medical patient on medicine

A 27-year old woman comes into the office complaining of chest pain.
Obtain a complete history of this complaint. After obtaining the history to
your satisfaction, consultant order for sublingual, 5mg, digoxin tab orally,
.how you will give this medicine

:Medical patient assessment

year old female unknown medical it is 90 degrees outside in the afternoon Arrive to find: 20
Scene is safe. Female lying on the ground. She is responsive to verbal stimuli but barley she is
confused .Bystanders say she said she was feeling dizzy and lightheaded the next thing they
knew she was on the ground and she was not responding when her name was called. She was
sandbagging earlier in the day. You are 5 minutes away from the hospital

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