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Name : Faradiba Salsabila Rahman (P17120019014)

Faradilah Shafa (P17120019015)

Class : 2-A D3 Keperawatan
Courses : English II
Lecturer : Mrs. Armadetus, M.Pd

Dialogue Nurse to Nurse

Nurse 1 : Hello nurse Diba.

Nurse 2 : Hello nurse Dila.
Nurse 1: How is the condition of Mr. A in room 105 with a medical diagnosis of Hypertension?
Nurse 2 : Mr. A is 30 years old with a medical diagnosis of Hypertension. The general condition
of the client is moderate, composmentis awareness, vital signs measurement results, BP: 150/90
mmHg, P: 110 bpm, RR: 20 breaths/min, T: 37°C. The client complains of head pain, with a pain
scale of 8 from 1-10. Clients also complain of dizziness, especially when just getting out of bed.
Clients also complain of feeling tired easily.
Nurse 1: Then what nursing diagnosis did you assign?
Nurse 2: Based on the data that I mentioned earlier, I established a nursing diagnosis "Pain
(headache) is associated with increased cerebral vascular pressure" against Mr. A. What
according to nurse Dila?
Nurse 1: In my opinion, the nursing diagnosis that you took is in accordance with existing data.
So you can make the diagnosis. Then, what nursing plan would you do to address the problem?
Nurse 2: I will observe the client's vital signs every 2 hours, give the client a comfortable
position, limit the client's activities by maintaining bed rest or resting in a chair, monitor the
client's pain scale, and provide a calm environment for the patient.
Nurse 1: Already good. However, you should add to teach deep breath relaxation techniques, this
is to reduce the pain that the client feels.
Nurse 2: Well nurse.
Nurse 1: Do you have anything else to say?
Nurse 2: Enough.
Nurse 1: Alright, if you have anything to ask, you can directly ask me or other colleagues.
Nurse 2: O.K nurse, Thank you.
Nurse 1: You're welcome.

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