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No one is above the law

No. 9 Central Avenue, New Era, Quezon City, 1107, Philippines

(02) 981 4221

July 2, 2014

His Excellency Benigno Aquino III

President of the Republic of the Philippines
Malacanang Palace, 1000 Jose P Laurel St., San Miguel, Manila
Dear Pres. Aquino;
Relevant to your request for a meeting, we are sorry we cant commit on
the specified date, July 3, 2014, due to lack of ample time on our behalf
to prepare as we have just received your request letter today afternoon.
Also, gathering the needed data and documents to aid you in your
queries will take us a span of 3-5 days to ensure its validity and

We recognize that this is of utmost priority to our countrys national

issues. If you are still interested to call for our assistance and service,
may we ask for your availability four(4) days from now.

We are sincerely looking forward to put our best efforts on this matter.
Respectfully Yours,

Atty. Isaias S. Pastrana Jr.


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