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Leaving Certificate Business


Learning Intentions
By the end of todays class, you will be able to

illustrate the importance of a business location

By the end of todays class, you will be able to outline

what liquidity is and its importance for a business

Location of a Business
The location of a business has an impact on both its

viability and its profitability

Typically, businesses will seek locations that will

maximise profits and minimize costs

Think, Pair, Share Exercise

What factors will businesses consider when choosing a

business location?
You have:

2 minutes to think on your own and write your suggestions in

your classwork hardbacks

2 minutes to discuss your suggestions with your neighbour

We will then have a short class discussion!

Factors considered when choosing a Business Location

Proximity to the market
Proximity to raw materials
Transport and communication links
Availability of skilled labour
Cost and availability of land
Opportunities for waste disposal/recycling
Government incentives

Individual Task
Now that we have discussed some factors considered

by businesses when choosing their business location,

write short paragraphs in your classwork
hardbacks explaining each factor which we have
You must use the State, Explain, Example format of

Leaving Certificate Business!

Class Discussion
Can you define each of the following terms:

Debt Capital
Equity Capital

Question Time
How can ratio analysis and cash flow forecasts can

help businesses to manage their liquidity?

Exam Papers
2011 Section 3 Q6 (B)

Read over your paragraphs as created by you in class


Learning Intentions
By the end of todays class, you will be able to

illustrate the importance of a business location

By the end of todays class, you will be able to outline

what liquidity is and its importance for a business

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