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Team Lynx: Ansh, Ganesh, Grant, Alexandra, Yousef, Ajay, and

Ansh: I have a dream that one day
Ganesh: No dude, wrong speech
Ansh : oh right,( clear throat) I have a clean dream that one day people
will recycle the electronics of life aka electronics
Alexandra; Seriously, Not recycling electronics is a big problem in the
world. They are a major part of our lives and help us get through our
day easily.
Yousef: When you arent recycling electronics, you are harming the
earth by contributing to global warming. Global warming is causing
rising ocean levels and harming animals and humans.
Grant: Eureka! We have a solution to this crisis.
Ganesh: Now turn your attention to our amazing prezi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(start prezi)
Ajay: Recycling electronics by
Ansh: Ansh
Alexandra: Alexandra
Grant: Grant
Yousef: Yousef
Ganesh; and me, Ganesh
Ansh: EIGHTY FIVE PERCENT of People in the us who have access to a
recycling program and still throw away tons of trash. Energy and
precious materials like gold is wasted from disposing still useful
electronics. The electronic waste is steadily increasing by eight

percent every year. This is probably because people are lazy, too busy,
or completely unaware of it. We want to change this and make the
planet healthy
Emma: There are many pros and cons to recycling electronics. It is
expensive and if the recycled item is contaminated the new item made
from it can also be the environment by reusing the limited materials on
Earth contaminated. This can spread diseases and poisonings, but on
the other hand, recycling prevents air and water pollution. Also there
would be little to no mining and it creates jobs. Also if you donate old
electronics you can make others lives better. There a lot of pros to
recycling electronics.
Yousef: (read the parts of an electronics slides)
Grant:Our idea is to improve e waste centers and make them more
common.Also we want to find a way to recycle electronics like having a
program that can take apart electronics and use those parts to create
new electronics.
Ajay: (read what we did)
Ganesh: (read about the donations and other)
Alexandra: (conclusion)
Ansh: Do you have any questions?
(answer questions)
Everyone: Thanks!

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