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Brittney Cox

EDPR 2111
Application 1

The Lifespan Developmental Approach

1.) Intraindividual Changes
a.) Cognitive intraindividual change is the development of how an individual
thinks logically, understands, and solves problems.
b.) Physical intraindividual change is the most noticeable and it refers to the
physical changes of the human body. Ex. Body weight, height, and shape.
c.) Socio-emotional intraindividual change refers to the development of
social and emotional skills across a lifespan.
d.) Human development is multidimensional. Sometimes an individual can
go through one domain but not others.
e.) Changes in one domain can influences changes in another domain.
Losing weight (i.e. physical change) can lead to an increase in selfesteem (i.e. socio-emotional change).
2.) Interindividual Differences- differences between individuals intraindividual
a.) Everyone experience changes throughout their life, but no two
individuals experience the exact same changes.
b.) Different age groups might experience intraindividual changes during the
same time, but each individual will experience these changes in a
different way.
c.) It is important that educators are aware of interindividual changes within
their students. While some students may be able to do some things, other
may not.
d.) What works for some students may not work for others. Teachers should
be flexible.

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