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Physical Development
Brittney Cox
University of Memphis


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Physical Development
Over the weekend, my family and I got some really exciting news. My sister is having a
baby! After reading this chapter, I realized that it couldnt have been more perfect timing. She
and her baby are about to go through so many changes, both physically and mentally.
Although she is in her 8th week, she and the baby have already undergone several
changes. The first set of changes she has experienced occurred during the germinal stage. The
time frame for the germinal stage is from conception until the end of the second week.
Fertilization is the beginning of this stage. During this process a zygote, or the fertilized egg, is
formed by the joining of two gametes. After fertilization there is rapid cell reproduction that
forms a cyst called a blastocyst. The blastocyst is responsible for the development of different
parts of the babys body.
My sister is now in the embryonic stage. The time frame for this stage is from the
beginning of the third week after conception until the ninth week. During this stage the
blastocyst is now referred to as an embryo. There is rapid growth during this period. Before the
end of this period my sisters baby will develop a heartbeat and the legs and arms will begin to
form. As of right now, my sister hasnt started changing physically, but she has noticed that her
appetite has increased.
She still has many other new and exciting developments to experience, and I cant wait to
help and watch as her and her baby grow.


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Bravo, I. M., & Noya, M. (2014). Culture in prenatal development: Parental attitudes availability
of care, expectations, values, and nutrition. Child & Youth Care Forum, 43(4), 521-538.
Windsor, D.L., Murell, V.S., & Magun-Jackson, S. (2015). Lifespan development: An
educational psychology perspective. Boston, MA: Pearson Learning Solutions

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