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Big Idea: Heroes

Grade: 3

TSW be informed of different types of heroes

and the qualities that make them. Students will
create a new superhero using their qualities for
inspiration. They may also use experiences or
real people as inspiration. Students will
evaluate their own work and mentally critique
the work of their peers.

Brooklyn sculptor
Mother of 2

Reference The New York Times

Reference Daily Napkin

Heroes come in different forms.

Heroes have achieved something great.
Heroes can be admired for being courageous.
Heroes can come from divine descent.

What is a hero to you?

What are some qualities of a hero?
How do artists view heroes?
In what way are superheroes and real life
heroes similar and/or different?
Is there any quality that all heroes must have?

Content area 1 - Visual Culture

Content area 2 - Visual Art

TSW be able to define what a hero is to them.

TSW design a new hero using their own list of heroic
qualities and portray on paper with their choice of

Content area 3 Literacy

TSW evaluate and write about their own artwork

and show to peers.

Design to prepare the preliminary sketch or

the plans for (a work to be executed), especially
to play the form and structure of.
Portray to make a likeness of by drawing,
painting, carving, or the like.

Using your qualities from your card, design a new

superhero (ie: what colors would they wear, what
would they represent, what are their features, what
powers would they have)
You can portray a new superhero based on a real
life example or just based on your characteristics.
Using a blank piece of white paper, design and
draw your superhero using any materials available
Wrap-up artwork
Closure and write artist statement
Walk around peer gallery

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