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Name:………………………………………Date: ……….…………………………….
Grade: 1ro bachillerato Subject: Artistic Education


Identity Boxes
Artists Lucas Samaras and Joseph Cornell both explored the idea of personal identity
through their art. Both created small "portrait" boxes that reveal as well as conceal
identity through the use of objects and symbols. You will research the artists' lives and
background and then use the concepts of symbolic representation to present yourself
by creating your own box that communicates your personal identity. You will decorate
your box and draw and display your self-portrait on the outside, inviting the viewer to
find out more. You will then explore the concepts of visual symbols and metaphors
and thoughtfully choose at least three items to represent your inner selves to go inside
the box.

1. Think of objects such as a graduation tassel, baby items, lock of hair,
mementos - any object that represents something about you or has special
significance. Identify the items, their purpose, and where or how they may have
been used.

2. Discuss the items and their importance to you. (mention at least three)

3. Answer the following questions:

 Do they say something about you?

 Do they show interests or personal feelings?

 How do these objects tell something about you?

 What would you want people to know about you?
 Can we know everything about someone just by looking at him or her?
 What importance do objects and pictures have in communicating meaning?
 What are some of the objects that you havekept and why have you kept them?

1. Symbolism. Draw common, everyday symbols like the plus sign, peace sign,
heart, etc. What is the significance of these symbols? Are they used for different
purposes, and do those uses change their meaning?


2.People use symbols to create a "message" in graphic and fine art, often incorporating
widely recognized imagery. Discuss the difference between logos and symbols. You
should recognize the difference between culturally and personally understood symbols
(like hearts) and the brand-symbols of a commodity, like the golden arches or the Nike
3. Circle the logos below. Put a square around the symbols.
4. Personal symbols.Artists often use symbols and imagery that have personal
meaning for them but that may not be familiar or known to someone viewing the
work.In your own words, what is our "identity", and how can it be artistically

People’s identities are made up of internal and external selves. The external self is
what others see; the internal self is what we know to be true about ourselves.
Artists use a variety of mediums, techniques and materials to explore their identity.
Some create realistic self-portraits,such as Chuck Close and Van Gogh, while others
choose a more abstract, non-representational approach, such as Lucas Samaras. Joseph
Cornell used everyday objects in his box assemblages to symbolize abstractideas.
Think about the meanings for the objects used on these assemblages, or "identity
boxes." For example, the nails on the box could represent...? The mirror?The
[HOMEWORK] Bring and place a variety of everyday objects. These objects can
range from natural objects like seashells and rocks to movie tickets, receipts, and
other man-made objects.

1. [GROUP WORK] Join in small groups of students, and have a look at the
objects and images that you brought. Pick three, and list as many meanings as
you can think of for the object.

2. Complete the Identity Survey. Bring at least three objects that represent you
into a paper bag and bring it to the next class. You may use a photograph, but
that it must be a photo of you doing something significant, or a photo of someone
(family, friend) who is important to you. The photograph does not have to be
literal, but rather can be symbolic of your identity.
The most important thing that has happened to me is: _________________________
I am most proud of: __________________________________________________
Something that makes me happy is: ______________________________________
I work hard at doing: _________________________________________________
My favorite book is: ___________________________________________________
The funniest thing that ever happened to me was: ____________________________
I want to after I graduate from high school. __________________________________
My favorite place to go is: _____________________________________________
My hobbies are:_____________________________________________________
My greatest dream is: __________________________________________________
One secret no one knows about me is: _____________________________________
Imagine a group of aliens has landed on your street. They don’t speak your language.
They are looking to find out something about you. What would you show them to say
something about yourself?

3. Check the examples of artist self-portraits. The examples include Frida Kahlo,
Albrecht Durer, and Van Gogh. Compare and contrast these self-portraits with
the Lucas Samaras and Joseph Cornell boxes. You should comprehend that both
the portraits and the identity boxes are types of self-portraits and that they
communicate ideas about the artist.


4. You will be making both of these kinds of self-portraits. You will compare
literal vs. symbolic interpretation, then explain that one art form is
representational, the other symbolic.
 The self-portraitdescribes your literal, external identity (how others may see
 The box, with objects and images, describes your internal identity(how you see

1. Follow the Self-Portrait and Identity Box Directions;
1. Using a large white paper, draw a representational self-portraitwhich will be
attached to the outside of your identity box.
 Draw your eyes, nose, mouth and ears first, and put in the hair last.
2. Use colored pencils to draw in individual coloring of skin, eyes, hair, etc.
When your portrait is complete, glue it onto either the top, or one of the sides, of
your identity box.
3. Decorate the entire outside of your box using scrap paper, fabric, beads,
sequins, paint, craft items, etc.
 Cover the entire box, except the bottom, with a variety of materials,
colors, and patterns – the box needs to attract the attention of the viewer.
 Line the inside of their box, but remember to keep it simple so as not to
detract from the objects which will go inside.

2. As a guideline for your self-portrait, use the following technique demonstration

of drawing facial proportions.
Using Color Symbols: A Self Portrait
1. Think about how artists use color to show meaning in
their art works. What color symbols could you use or
invent to tell people about yourself? Draw a self-
portrait and include several colors that symbolize
something about you!
Here is Carmine Chameleon's self-portrait. Carmine
colored himself red because he loves the color carmine
red. He shows lots of green grass because spring is his
favorite time of the year. The rainbow in the
background symbolizes all of the colors Carmine can be.
2. Some artists tell people about their symbols. Other
artists keep them a secret and let people guess about the meaning of their art.
You can use a small mirror. This is for practice. The final one in a large white paper,
you will do it at home as HOMEWORK.

3. [HOMEWORK] Next, you will decorate the outside of your box using scrap
paper, fabric, beads, sequins, paint, craft items, etc. Cover the entire box, except
the bottom, with a variety of materials, colors, and patterns – the box needs to
attract the attention of the viewer. Line the inside of their box, but keep it simple,
so as not to detract from the objects which will go inside. Place their three items
inside their boxes and set them around the room.

4. [PAIR WORK] You will open each other's boxes and look at them.Discuss the
meanings of the contents of each other's boxes including the meaning attached to
the decorations on the outside of the boxes. Also, discuss the concepts of internal
and external identity and the differences between literal identity and symbolic
identity. Answer the following questions:

 How can others really know what is going on inside of us?

 How does your external self (appearance, behavior, etc.) communicate your
internal self?
 Did you learn something new about a classmate today? Describe what you
 How do photographs and artwork communicate meaning about a person? How
is this process different from reading or hearing a story about a person?

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