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Writing About Artwork

1.) (Metaphor) Matisses cut outs are joyful colors of the world.
2.) (Simile)
Matisses cut outs are like a joyful song.
3.) (Limerick) There was an artist named Henri Matisse
He made cut-outs to put him at peace
And represented light through every piece
He lived his entire life to create
And to this day was known to be great.
4.) (Haiku)

The crisp brightness of France

Inspired Matisse to depict a new view
To represent light through color
Was all that he wished to do

5.) (Rhyming Couplet)

Matisse was born in France
To one day paint pictures of a dance
He discovered a new meaning of light
Every painting was such a delight
Matisse created a new meaning to painting
That needed no explaining
Matisse created a series which was titled, cut-out
That was an important part of art history, without a doubt.
6.) (10 adjectives)
7.) Painted collage series
I retitled, The Cut-Outs to the Painted collage. Matisse used colored
gouache to paint
Pieces of paper, then cut them into shapes. He couldnt move out of his
wheelchair to place them where he wanted, so he had someone arrange
the pieces and collage them
into the composition that he wanted. I

renamed the Cut-Outs to the painted collage,

feels like a painting.

because his series still

8.) Discovering the Cut-Outs

It was the year of 1952, I was on a cruise ship with my family enjoying the
beautiful blue seas, and the breeze of the cold wind kissing my cheek. We
were entering the last day at sea, and we were arriving at the final port of
call. I was standing on the edge of the ship as we arrived to the private
island, but there was a sudden bump and the ship came to a stop. I noticed
the cruise staff running about, telling everyone to grab life vests and to get
on the nearest safety boat as possible. I jumped on a boat with my family
and we sailed to the nearest island. Once we reached the island my family
searched everywhere for signs of other people and a way to communicate
and find our way back home. On my way to find someone for help, I came
across a blue box. It seemed as though the box just came to shore, it was
covered with seaweed and sand. Curious, I opened the box and saw the most
beautiful painting I have ever seen. The background of the painting was
orange and red, and there were what seemed to be paintings of yellow and
blue designs which resembled bones or an organic form on the foreground. I
remembered the terms, organic, and composition from my art class and the
piece had such a well balanced composition. There was a letter that came
with the painting, and it said, Dear whomever is lucky enough to receive my
piece, please take care of it. I need you to find a home for this piece. It was
special and dear to my heart, but my time with it is done. I need you to
understand some of the most important elements of this piece and share it
with the world for me. The piece is titled, Mimosa, which is another name for
a silk tree. I will share with you my technique, use this and teach to others

that there is no one true form of painting. This painting is created of cut out
pieces of paper that I painted by hand. I can no longer walk, so I needed help
creating compositions. Take care of this for me, and best of luck. The letter
was signed in cursive, Henri Matisse. I was shocked, was I supposed to really
find somewhere special for this piece of work? It was too beautiful not to
share. I felt so lucky to have this piece in my hand, I know that Ill take care
of it and share this message with other art enthusiasts.

9.) Cont..I noticed that in order for me to share the piece of work with the
world and to make it known, I will have to hang it in my home and
display it. I will display the magnificent piece in my living room, where
there is an open space and the light from the large windows hits the
painting just right. I plan to host a party, where the artwork will be the
attention of the evening. I want the piece of work to be in the center of
my home, because such a beautiful piece deserves that placement.
Collage, Organic

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