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Brightwell: Designing Diva

Name: KaNeisha Brightwell
Age: 19
Hometown: Waldorf, MD
Major: Fashion Design with a minor in Fine Arts & Marketing
Relationship Status: Single

HC: What is the hardest thing about being in DAAP?

KB: The hardest thing about being in DAAP is having to balance the workload.

HC: Did you always know you wanted to be a designer?
KB: Yes, and an artist on the side

HC: Are you working on any exciting projects right now?
KB: Yes I am designing a couple of pieces for the UCASA fashion show.

HC: Where do you want to live when you graduate?
KB: After I graduate, I want to live in New York.

HC: How would you describe your style?
KB: My style is unique, but it depends on how I am feeling that day, sometimes it
may be urban mixed with tomboy or like exclusive chic. I like to mix and match too.

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