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Lindsey Smith

WRTC 103
December 7, 2015
As a writer this semester, I have developed the ability to recognize and repair my
sentence grammar errors which will be helpful throughout my college career. I was able to
proofread my work and my peers work and find the grammar errors. A vital lesson I learned
about writing that I can apply to my other classes is APA format. I had never used APA format
before taking WRTC 103, however I can now apply this skill in my other classes. A strategy I
have used to overcome some of the challenges of writing this semester is time management. I
was able to complete my assignments without being rushed which allowed me to take my time
and develop my thoughts fully. This allowed me to take the time to proofread my work and
correct any thoughtless errors. I believe that my strengths in writing are my organization skills.
The information I present in my assignments flow well and are easy to follow. The area I need to
continue to develop as a writer is the formation of my sentences. They tend to wordy and
repetitive, so I will continue to work on this area of my writing as I write more and more
throughout my life.

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