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Ex Nihilo

"I'm dead. There is nothing else for me on this Earth."

Nothing else ran through my mind as the cold knife came down upon me. It
was quick, I felt no pain, but before I died I saw the blood splatter, and the sinister
smile of the woman who killed me. It was like I fell asleep. It felt as if I had passed
out from a night of drinking, but this time I woke up in an entirely new place. No, I
was not in my lonely apartment with my cat. I woke up in a place that had peculiar
surroundings. It had blank white walls, no windows, but it had three peculiar chests.
I couldn't help my curiosity, and so I approached the chests. One chest was made of
gold, with purple diamonds decorated all around it.
"This is very peculiar. Who would put these chests here?"
The other chest glistened with the purest of silver, but instead of diamonds it
had deep red garnets all embroidered in it. The last chest was somewhat different
from the other two. The last chest bore the material of copper and possessed no
other special items.
"What's up with the three chests?" He thought again.
I looked at the three chests again. The chests gave off a slight glow and a hum.
"These chests are... calling to me?"
The chests responded with a louder hum, and more intense glow. They were
indeed calling to him.
"The chests are a gift." Said a voice.
"Who's there!?" He shouted.
I looked all around me, but no one was present but myself.
"Pick whichever you think you deserve the most." The voice responded. "But
remember, think of your whole past self, which do you believe you deserve?"
Confusion took over my mind.
"Which do I think I deserve? That's an obvious choice." I walked up to the
gold chest, after all, I worked hard my whole life. I had solid A's and B's in high
school and college. I never did drugs, I practiced safe sex, and I always paid my
"I totally deserve this chest."
I was ready to grab it. I almost grabbed it, but something very important
stopped my from opening the chest. At that moment I had a revelation. I finally
realized how much of a terrible person I was. So maybe I did seem like a good guy
in the eyes of the public, but in my personal life, I could have been much better. The
light of all my evil was revealed to me.

"No. Not the gold chest." He let out a melancholy sigh."After all that I've
done in my life I don't deserve what lies inside such a gorgeous chest. I deserve the
lowest of the low."
I turned from the golden chest and walked in front of the copper one. "This is
what I deserve." He opened up the copper chest and found... nothing.
"Absolutely outstanding." Said the voice again.
I turned behind me and saw a bearded man that seemed to be older than the
universe itself, but he looked as if he had the energy of a thousand suns, and a
comforting smile was upon his face.
"Outstanding? What did I do that was so outstanding?" He inquired.
The man gave no reply, but smiled and motioned his hand to the wall behind him.
"Behold. Your forever."
The wall had disappeared, and behind him was the place that everyone
wishes to arrive. Behind him stood the ultimate state of being, complete with
streets of gold where the sun never sets and where the angels sing all the live long
"My forever? But I've done so many terrible things in life, I don't deserve to go
there." He expressed in a somber tone.
The old man chuckled. "Ah, but that is where you are wrong. For you are well
aware of your sins, all of the wrongdoings in your past, and you regret them. Your
soul burns in anguish for all the people whom you have hurt."
I pondered this for a moment."He's right... I can't escape this feeling of regret
and sorrow. I wish I could ask all of those people to forgive me: Susie, Trevor, Jude,
Lisa; I wish that I could tell them how sorry I am. I need forgiveness." He concluded.
"And you have it. Forgiveness is yours, all you need do is ask of it." Suggested
the old man.
I did not hesitate to get down on my knees, clasp my hard dry hands, bow my
head, and give a small prayer.
"Lord... I am in need of your forgiveness for all of my sins... My heart is full of
sorrow for my transgressions. Please, forgive me."
The old man smiled brightly as I finished my prayer.
"Ask, and you shall receive."
He turned from me and the gates of Heaven opened; he entered into his
domain with the celestial winds flowing about him, welcoming him home. He
continued to walk, the gates still wide open ready for me. As I was about to take my
first step into Heaven the old man called out to me.

"Remember, the greatest of things have no beginning and no end. They

come... from nothing."

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