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Solving Triangles by Reflection

A 5ft ladder leans against a wall as shown.

What is the angle between the ladder and the wall?

This is surprisingly easy to solve by using Reflection:

Here is the triangle with its reflection

Together they make an equilateral triangle (all sides

The angles in an
equilateral triangle
are all 60

So the angle between the ladder and the wall is half of


= 30

Finding Length

We can use the same idea to find an unknown length.

Alex has a laser that measures distance.

By standing some distance from the tree Alex measures

42mto the top of the tree at an

angle of 30.
What is the height of the tree?
Here is the triangle and its reflection:

Once again the triangle and its reflection make an

equilateral triangle.
So, we know the height of the tree must be half of 42m

= 21m

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