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Google Apps Unit

By: Samantha Brandt

Unit Overview:
This unit has lessons that you can use in your classroom separate or
together. I recommend that you take a while on these. In order to ensure
mastery of each App I would have students use the App for 4-6 weeks
before introducing a new app. This does not mean however, that students
should stop using the app when moving on to a new one. By the end of the
school year students should be moving fluidly throughout all the Google apps
that you have taught them.

NOTE: I have only included the two lessons in Google Docs. I have not
written lessons for the other Apps yet.

Lesson 1 Introduction to Google Docs

1. Students will be able to operate Google Docs with 90%
2. Students will be able to type a previously written paper in Google
Docs independently at 90%


Google account for each student (no Email)

Computer Lab (HP lab)
Written piece of work (each student had their own)

Anticipatory Set:
Have students log into their account on Google. Students will be
allowed to explore Google for about 15 minutes. I love having kids do
exploration before the actual lesson to let them get familiar with the
1. Have students log into their Google account.
2. Using the projector show students how to get to the
Google Docs App in their account.
3. Once their go over all the tools in Google Docs.
Demonstrate each tool and then have students do it
themselves. For example have them type a sentence
and then change the font and color of the sentence.
This will take some time but you need to make sure
that all of your students understand each tool in the
4. Once you feel that your class has a basic
understanding of the app you can move onto the next
5. Have students type their fractured fairytales into
Google Docs.


Look at each students typed work. This assessment will be based on

teacher observation. There is no written assignment, kids will be graded
based on how they participate in the lesson.

Lesson 2 Google Docs


Students will be able to demonstrate how to share a document in

Google Docs with 100% accuracy.
Students will be able to examine a peers work and use editing tools
to correct the work in Google Docs with 90% accuracy


Computer Lab
Fractured Fairytale paper
Peer Editing references sheet

Anticipatory Set:
Review editing and how peer edit. Then split the students into groups
of two and have them sit next to each other with a computer.
1. Begin by telling the students about what they will be learning about
today. Discuss how we are going to be peer editing our papers online
using Google Docs. You will share your paper with each other. Then
you will read it, add your thoughts into the document and have IM
chats about your paper.
2. The students need to be aware before you begin that they need to
share all documents with you (the teacher). You will read all comments
and be involved with each chat session. Students conversations will
not be private.
3. Walk the kids through the process of how to share documents. Use the
projector to demonstrate. Share a tester document with each student.
Have them share a document with you and their partner. In this tester
document have students practice editing the document and chat in the
chat box. Walk around and make sure that all students are
4. When you feel that the class has a firm grasp on the topic you main
turn them loose. Have the kids share their papers with their partner
and you. Then the fun begins. Kids can then spend time editing each
others papers. You may participate where needed.
a. Make sure that you remind the kids to edit according to the
revising lesson that you have previously taught.
5. When the peer editing is completed have students submit the paper to
you for grading.

Students will be assessed in two different ways. The first will be a

performance assessment based on how they participated in the peer editing.
The second assessment will be their final grade for the Fairytale.

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