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NAME ______________________________________________ DATE______________________________ PERIOD ______________

Chapter 6 Vocabulary Test

SCORE ______________

composition of functions

inverse relations

radical inequality

square root function


nth root

radical sign

square root inequality

extraneous solution

principal root



radical equation

rationalizing the

inverse function

radical function


Underline or circle the correct word or phrase to complete each sentence.

1. If every element of the domain of a function maps to the same value in the
range, then it must be an (identity, inverse) function.

1. __________________________
2. __________________________

2. y =

3 x5

is a(n) (square root, inverse) function.

3. The process of forming a new function from two given functions by

performing the two functions in succession is called (rationalizing the
denominator, composition of functions).

3. __________________________

4. If you square both sides of a radical equation and obtain a solution that
does not satisfy the original equation, you have found a(n) (nth root,
extraneous solution).

4. __________________________


3 x +5

< 0 and

6. The expressions 7

2 x1

are (radical equations, radical

and 7 +

7. When no index is given as in

(principal root, nth root).

are (like radical expressions,

25 , the radical sign indicates the

5. __________________________
6. __________________________
7. __________________________
8. __________________________

8. Equations with radicals that have variables in the radicand are called (like
radical expressions, radical equations).
9. A(n) (conjugate, inverse function) can be found by exchanging the domain
and range of a function.

9. __________________________
10. _________________________

10. One of the steps that may be necessary to simplify a radical expression is
(composition of functions, rationalizing the denominator).
11. _________________________

Define each term in your own words.

11. radicand

12. _________________________
12. inverse relation

Chapter 6


Glencoe Algebra 2

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