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Grade Level: 10th 12th Grade

Subject: Art, 5x Day Lesson (45 min.) Prepared By: Benjamin E. Hoffman, Student Art Teacher

Colored Pencil Shoe Factory

Lesson Summary: Students will continue with their previous knowledge of drawing from observation. Students will then be introduced to Colored
Pencil and will complete a Shading Technique Worksheet which will prepare them for their final artwork. Upon the completion of the Worksheet,
students first tutorial will comprise of both drawing and shading an oversized Lego piece. Using their previous knowledge of cylinders and cubes,
students will demonstrate their understanding. The students final artwork will comprise of illustrating a shoe from its most minute details to its
accuracy in shape. Using Colored Pencil, students will render their shoe at whichever angle in which they would like.

Big Idea: Throughout time and across cultures, artists have had to
draw from observation as their immediate reference.

Key Concepts:

Learning how to draw from observation provokes close looking.

The contrast between light and shadow can easily define a change in shape.

Any object can be broken down into simple shapes keeping in mind its proportions.

The ways in which an image is rendered can transform its appearance from being two
dimensional to three dimensional.
Essential Questions:

How can we use color to render a two dimensional surface?

How does drawing directly from observation differ than from drawing from a preexisting image?
Is one easier than the other, and for what reasons? Why?

How does drawing directly from observation impact how you would typically draw something
from your mind? Does it require more or less attention to detail? Why?
Specific Objectives:

Students will complete a Colored Pencil Shading Technique Worksheet.

Students will demonstrate their understanding of Shading with Colored Pencil through Drawing
and Shading an oversized Lego piece using previous knowledge of Cubes & Cylinders.

Students final artwork will illustrate a shoe or pair of shoes which will include the following:
o Attention to Detail & Accuracy in Shape
o Proper Colored Pencil Shading Techniques (Adequate Value)
Standards Addressed:
9.1.12.A Shape, Line, Proportion/Scale & Contrast
9.1.12.B Drawing from Direct Observation


Students would first complete the

Colored Pencil Shading Technique
Worksheet to assess their ability
level as well as determine their
own strengths and weaknesses.

Formative Assessment:

Evaluate students interpersonal

skills, work habits & attitudes as
they work. Considering the
importance of observational skills,
students will be assessed on the
completion of their Colored Pencil
Shading Technique Worksheet as
well as Lego Tutorial. Students
final artwork will include a shoe
and/or pair of shoes rendered
using Colored Pencil. Students will
be assessed on their attention to
detail and accuracy in shape as
well as use of proper shading


Students will compare their

introductory Lego tutorial and final
artwork to praise their
improvements and progress made.

9.1.12.E Unifying theme of Drawing from Observation

9.3.12.E Respond Critically & Evaluate Progress

Instructional Procedures
Motivation/Engagement/The Hook:

Every other day, students will complete a Bell Ringer which will allow students
to settle down as they enter the classroom. Examples include
drawing/rendering a sphere using Colored Pencil to reiterate any skills that
would benefit the project at hand. Following the completion of the students
Colored Pencil Shading Technique Worksheet, students would continue on
with the introduction to the oversized Lego piece tutorial.


Following the completion of the oversized Lego piece tutorial, students would
be introduced to their final artwork. Students will be illustrating a shoe using
skills in which they have already acquired. Following a teacher led
demonstration, students will first have to accurately draw the base of their
shoe sighting a flip flop as their reference. In doing such, the students can
then build upon their shoe having a predetermined base to work from. Upon
the completion of their drawing, students will use Colored Pencil to accurately
render the shoe and/or pair of shoes in which they have chosen. Using their
newest skill set of Tints & Shades, Highlights and Shadows, students will
accurately render their shoe to the best of their ability. Shadows beneath the
shoe will be optional for those who finish early.


The goal of this lesson is to have students accurately render their shoe using a
vast skill set of Colored Pencil Shading Techniques. In addition, students are
to learn that a blue shoe for example has so many more colors imbedded than
just a single color. Upon the completion of this activity, students will compare
their initial Color Pencil Worksheet, Lego Tutorial and Final Artwork to
compare and draw upon their strengths and improvement from start to finish.
Students will reflect/assess their artwork by answering questions on CANVAS
before submitting.

Teacher Research & Preparation:

White Drawing Paper (9x 12)

White Drawing Paper (6 x 9)
Scratch Paper for Practicing Drawing
from Observation
Colored Pencils
Oversized Lego Pieces (Various Shapes)
Flip Flops
Shoes (Various Shapes/Designs)

Instructional Resources:

Color Pencil Shading Technique

Exemplars (Reference as needed)


Color Scheme
Rendered/Tonal Drawing
Tints & Shades

__Student Supplies: __

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