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Courtney Bostic

Journal 11/16/15
1. What is a single story?
a. A single story is a story that is told with only one outlook or
approach. These stories are how people think and view certain things in a way
which makes each person different from each other. Every person views places,
people, things, and ideas differently because of single stories. A single story
basically does not allow room for different views or sides of a story.
2. How do single stories hinder us as writers/communicators?
a. Single stories hinder us as writers by limiting our ideas or thoughts
we might have about something. Single stories do not let people imagine other
possibilities. These stories hinder us as communicators because we judge and
approach situations with an opinion that may or may not be true.
3. Do you have a single story? Why or why not?
a. I do not think that I have one single story. I believe that I have
many stories that make me who I am. However, all of the stories I have
encountered have made me who I am today and made me have opinions that I

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