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ETP EdTech Resource/Tool* Review Rubric

*(Website/Mobile App/Web 2.0) (Updated 9.23.2015)


(out of 5)

Educational Value:
Does the EdTech Resource/Tool have educational value? How much does the resource
contribute to learning? Is it worth to sign up and create an account with this EdTech
Resource/Tool for Teachers or Students?

Creativity, Fun & Interactivity:
Is the EdTech Resource/Tool creative and original? Does the EdTech Resource/Tool
use innovative ways to engage users? Does the resource encourage creative thinking? Is
the EdTech Resource/Tool interactive? Is it fun to use the EdTech Resource/Tool ?
Intuitive Interface:
Does the interface is simple and intuitive? Does the EdTech Resource/Tool have userfriendly menus, buttons, guides, controls etc.?
Visual Design & Optimization:
Does the EdTech Resource/Tool have a great looking interface and other design
elements (color choice, graphics etc)?
Stability & Promises:
Does the EdTech Resource/Tool work all the time? Does it crash or does it have bugs?
Does the EdTech Resource/Tool meet its promises as claimed in its description?
Value for Price:
Is the EdTech Resource free or paid? Does it have a good value for the price?
Editors Score: (Average)

Developed by Dr. Bulent Dogan,

Name of the Reviewer:

Yakup Ozcelik
Name of the Resource Reviewed:
Discovery Education
What is this Resource?
__x_Resource_x__Website_____Web 2.0__x__Mobile App
Link to the resource:

Platforms: (PC, Mac, Android, IOS, etc.)
The discovery education is available for all platforms. It can be usable on PC, Mac, Android, IOS.
Appropriate for Grade Levels: (K-16)
Editors Score: (Average of all scores)

Main Article: (Description of the resource/tool? What does the resource do? How does it work? How did you
like it? What are the advantages and limitations?)
Engage Your Students with Digital Media Content
Discovery Education streaming is the only digital video-based learning resource scientifically proven to
increase academic achievement. Featuring more than 10,000 full-length videos divided into nearly 75,000
content-specific video segments, DE streaming enables you to seamlessly integrate digital media in the

Educational uses and applications for Education/classroom: (How could this app be used for education?
Specific activities, examples)
Dynamic, drill-down navigation menu drives targeted searches . New navigation tools provide path or
breadcrumb links . Teacher tools support creation of teacher-selected content for student access
.Teacher preferences allow you to create a customized homepage to display links to curriculum tools, new
videos, calendar events and teaching tips .New media types including games, skill builders and
animations support different learning styles and add depth to your projects .Professional Development
content provides tools for technology integration and supports teachers professional growth and

Pros/Advantages: (Short sentences, brief information)

Free. Gather video segments, images, quizzes and trusted websites in one place and create an interactive
learning experience for students. Assess student comprehension or survey prior knowledge with a DE
streaming quiz. Search the Quiz Library, choose individual questions from the Quiz Builder databank or
write your own questions. Stimulate the writing process in your classroom with images that are readymade for declarative, persuasive, narrative, and expository writing exercises.
Cons/Disadvantages: (Short sentences, brief information)
Sometimes can not be found easily what are you looking at. It takes time to find an exact

Tags or Keywords: Discovery, Education,

Developed by Dr. Bulent Dogan,

ATTACH PICTURES: (Logo or screenshots)

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