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Acknowledgement.............................................................................................................. 3




Method................................................................................................................................ 5




Appendix........................................................................................................................... 13





We would like to acknowledge the effort of everyone involved in making this project. Their
effort, knowledge and patience has been crucial for this assignment. Without them, it might
be impossible to successfully complete this final project.
We would like to thank our psychology lecturer, Mr Shankar, for all of his effort in preparing
lectures and guidance given.
We would also like to thank our groupmates, actors, cameraman, editors, and scriptwriters for
their part in this project. We thank them for their sacrifices and commitments made for this



In a group of 5 to 6 students, we are required to conduct a social psychology conceptual video

clip and required to do a presentation which implemented at least 5 concepts from different
chapters. This assignment aims to allow students to recognize and identify the connections
among concepts and perspectives within psychology and other theory. Furthermore, this
project taught us to apply the concepts that we were taught during our lectures and discussed
in class.
Several concepts that are applied in the story and story is demonstrated and acted by group
members and some other friends. Before we got started for filming, we discussed among our
group members to create a storyline and the script. The concepts that we have applied in the
video are stereotype, halo effect, social loafing, post decision dissonance and counterfactual
Throughout this assignment, we are able to understand more about the concepts in social



Apparatus/Material Used:

DSLR Camera was used to film the clip.

Other props like books, stationeries, files were also used in this video.

1. 30th November 2015. First meeting with all of the group members. During the
meeting, we discussed about the storyline and the concepts to be used. The meeting
ended after we have discussed the storyline.
2. 1st December 2015. The final storyline and scripts were done. Each members in the
group were assigned to play different roles to the video.
3. 2nd December 2015. All members were presented were presented to make the video
clip. After recording all of the scenes of the video clip, our group is divided into three
groups to responsible the video editing, the report and the presentation slides.
4. 5th December 2015. Second meeting. All group members meet up to finalize the
video and presentation.



As a group, all members discussed about the storyline, which need to include five different
social psychology concepts to present in the video.


One day in a classroom where it was filled with students, a lecturer has called his student to

form a group of 4 to complete an assignment. Koji had initially brought up a plan to group again with
his past group mates, Sara and Sean. However, they were lacking one member as this assignment
requires a group of 4, where Prem came in and asked to join Kojis group. Koji declined Prems offer,
because in fact he was an international student and assumed that he wont be able to do very well as
well as the other member. (Stereotyping) On the other hand, Koji invited Angela as a group member
as she looked hardworking and nice, judging by how she looks and how she wears. (Halo Effect).
Subsequently, Koji had tried to arrange a group discussion with all of his group members, but only
Angela didnt attended the meeting without any reasons. Sara and Sean has told Koji that Angela is
not as good as how he thinks and told him that he had made a bad choice instead of choosing Prem.
Eventually, while Sara, Sean and Koji was walking down the hall, they bump into Lin Hui and
questioned how is Prem doing in their group. As hearing what Lin Hui describes about Prem, Koji felt
regretful but to try pulling down Prems image by warning Lin Hui, but it didnt worked out. (Post
Decision Dissonance) At the same time, she also mentioned how bad Angela worked out previously
in their work while doing nothing at all. (Social Loafing)

In short before the submission day, Koji, Sara, Sean and Angela had finally gathered to rushed their
work, but Angela didnt care much and do her own things instead of helping others. A week later after
the submission, the results were out where everyone gotten a C+ instead of failing the assignment.
Koji was surprised and in fact he told Sara and Sean that at least they all didnt failed.(Counter
Factual Thinking)



Character List:
Lecturer Jean
Prem Prem
K Koji
S Sara
Sean Sean
A Angela
LH Lin Hui

Scene 1
Noisy class
Lecturer tries to get attention of whole classroom *claps hands*
(Silent class)
Lecturer: I am going to give you guys your new assignment. Please form groups of 4 and give
me the name list by today. Check your e-mails for the brief. Thank you. Class Dismissed.
Lecturer leaves
(Noisy class)
Koji, Sean and Sara sitting next to each other
Koji: hey, lets just group up together like last time.
Sean: sure thing
Sara: but we need a fourth member.
(Koji looks around)
Prem walks up to Koji and Sara

Prem: Hi guys, can I join you guys for this assignment?

Koji: Sorry, our groups full.
(Prem looks sad and confused, walks away)
Sean: hey, we needed a fourth member. Why did you say that?
S: why dont you want to group up with him?
K: I dont really like working with international kids, they never work well. (Chapter 7
Stereotype- racism)
(Koji walks to Angela)
K: hi Angela, do you want to group up with Sara and I for the assignment?
Angela: (listening to music, does not notice Koji) um. Yeah. Whatever. But I have stuff to do.
Ill get back to you later? (Smiles)
K: yeah, sure. No problem. Ill whatsapp you. Bye.
A: yeah, bye!
K and S
S: so why did you pick Angela as a group mate?
K: shes looks hardworking. I mean, look, shes always dressed nicely etc (halo effect Chap 4)
S: you dont even hang out with her. So she just looks hardworking?
K: yeah, i guess. She seems like such a nice person.
Sean: are you working with her because you think shes pretty.
Koji: no! She just seems like she knows what shes doing
S: hm.. Okay. Lets just go for lunch.
K and S leave class

Scene 2
K on whatsapp:
Guys, remember our meeting later at 3!
(Sara faces Koji, looks worried)
S: are you sure Angela will come for the meeting? She didnt show up for todays class.
Sean: I told you so
K: why are you worrying? She isnt that kind of person
S: I hope youre right about this one
(Meeting room) Koji, Sean and Sara
*the number you have dialed is not available*
S: Lets just start without her
K: yeah okay (takes out books etc)
Scene 3
K, Sean and Sara are walking along the hallway and bump into Lin Hui
LH: hey guys. Hows everything going?
S: Haih. Angela didnt come for out meeting. Weve been working so hard just to make up
for it.
LH: maybe she just thinks you guys can handle the work without her. The last time I worked
with her, she didnt do much work for the group project, but we all got the same grade.
(Social loafing chap 1)
Sean: I heard you have Prem in your group. The new international student? How is he?
LH: Hes actually very hardworking! Im really glad to have him in my group.
K: Yeah well. He might be hardworking, but he will also turn up late for meetings. You have
to be aware of that (post decision dissonance chap 5)

LH: No, not really. Anyway, i have to go hand in my assignment. See you soon!
Everyone: bye!
Scene 4
Day before submission: Koji, Sean and Sara work hard, books everywhere. Angela playing
with her phone, earphones plugged in.
Scene 5:
After submission
K, Sean and Sara are sitting at a table
Sean: I heard that our results are out
K: Wait, I have my laptop. Let me check (Opens laptop)
Sara: I dont think we did that well.
Koji: dont worry about it, I think we all did very well (c+ result)
K: well. We passed! At least it wasnt a fail. (Counterfactual thinking chap 3)
Sean and Sara look angry and disappointed.




Scene 1 - Stereotyping

Concept description: Stereotypes are beliefs about people based on their membership in a
particular group. Stereotypes can be positive, negative, or neutral. Stereotypes based on
gender, ethnicity, or occupation are common in many societies. For Examples, People may
stereotype women as nurturing or used car salespeople as dishonest.
Scene description: Koji did not want to group up with Prem by saying that his group is full
because Prem is an international student .Koji has a stereotype of that all international student
did not work well when come to their assignment.


Scene 1 - The Halo Effect

Concept description: Halo effect is a cognitive bias in which an observer's overall impression
of a person, company, brand, or product influences the observer's feelings and thoughts about
that entity's character or properties. It was named by psychologist Edward Thorndike in
reference to a person being perceived as having a halo.
Scene description: Koji rather picked Angela over Prem as the fourth member of their group
because he thought that Angela looks attractive and smart hence he assumes that Angela can
do work better. But Angela was actually a lazy person, she often absent to the meetings and
contribute less in the group work.


Scene 3 - Social Loafing

Concept description: In the social psychology of groups, social loafing is the phenomenon of
people exerting less effort to achieve a goal when they work in a group than when they work
Scene description: Based on Linhui experienced, she had once group up with Angela. She
said that Angela did not really contribute in group project because Angela thought that when
come to group work , other members will handle it as well, so their grade end up with a bad



Scene 4 - Post decision dissonance

Concept description: Is the Sour grapes". For example, when we have to reject one
appealing choice in favor of another, we will devalue the option not selected. After you chose
which college to attend, did you start to find flaws with the ones you rejected (or that rejected
Scene description : After listening to Linhui commented on Prem , Koji still did not believe
what Linhui said and keep on defend him stereotype towards Prem by saying that although
Prem did work well in group work but sometimes Prem could be late to the meetings too, he
then told Linhui to aware of this.


Scene 5 - Counterfactual Thinking

Concept description: Counterfactual thinking is a concept in psychology that involves the

human tendency to create possible alternatives to life events that have already occurred;
something that is contrary to what actually happened. Counterfactual thinking is exactly as it
states: "counter to the facts." These thoughts consist of the "What if?" and the "If I had
only..." that occur when thinking of how things could have turned out differently.
Counterfactual thoughts are things that could never possibly happen in reality, because they
solely pertain to events that have occurred in the past.
Scene description: After all the hardwork they have done, the result is finally out. But
unfortunately, Kojis group still get a C for their project. But, Koji did not feel sad or
disappointed to the grade but he feel lucky because at least they passed their project. This
make Sean and Sara feel disappoint to him and they did not want to group up with him
anymore for the coming project.

5. Appendix


6. References


Simply Psychology. (n.d.). Retrieved December 3, 2015, from

What Is a Stereotype? (n.d.). Retrieved December 4, 2015, from

FNBE 0814 E-portfolio by Lee Ning. (n.d.). Retrieved December 4, 2015, from!spsycho-video/cvnp

FNBE E-PORTFOLIO: PSYPJ03. (n.d.). Retrieved December 4, 2015, from


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