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Chapter 1:

Levels of structural organization:

Atom, Cell, Tissue, Organ, Organ System, Organism

The 11 Body Systems and their Organs

Circulatory System
Heart, Blood vessels

Nervous System
Brain, Spinal cord, Nerves.
Reproductive System

Digestive System
Primary Organs: Mouth, Pharynx,

Esophagus, Stomach, Small intestine,

Large intestine, Rectum, Anal canal.
Accessory Organs: Teeth, Salivary
glands, Tongue, Liver, Gallbladder,
Pancreas, Appendix.

Endocrine System
Pituitary glands-Pineal gland,
Hypothalamus - Thyroid gland,
Parathyroid - Thymus, Adrenals Pancreas (islet tissue), Ovaries (female),
Testes (male)
Integumentary System

Males: Gonads, Testes, Genital ducts,

Ductus (vas) deferens, Urethra, Accessory
glands tubes, Prostate, Supporting
structures, Genitalia, Penis, Scrotum
Females: Gonads, Ovaries, Accessory
organs, uterus, uterine (fallopian), Vagina,
Supporting structures, Genitalia, Vulva,
Mammary glands (breasts).
Respiratory System
Nose, Pharynx, Larynx, Trachea, Bronchi,

Skeletal System

Skin, Hair, Nails, Sense receptors, Sweat Bones, Joints.

glands, Oil glands.

Lymphatic System
Lymph nodes, Lymph vessels, Thymus Spleen, Tonsils.
The Muscular System

The Urinary System

Kidneys, Ureters, Urinary bladder,

Directional Terms:
Superior cranial, cephalic
Above or toward the head end of the body. For
example: the heart is superior to the liver.
Inferior caudal, tail
Below, away from the head, toward the feet.
For example: the liver is inferior to the heart.

Anterior ventral, front

Toward the front. For example: the heart is
ventral to the spinal cord or the heart is
anterior to the spinal cord.
Posterior dorsal, back
Toward the back. For example: the spinal cord
is dorsal to the heart or the spinal cord is
posterior to the heart.
Medial towards midline or adduct
Towards the midline of the body; toward the
median plane. For example: the heart is
medial to the lungs.
Lateral away from midline or abduct
Away from the midline of the body and away
from the median plane. For example: the eyes
are lateral to the nose.
Proximal nearest or toward origin
Toward or nearest the point of origin or
attachment. For example: the proximal end of
the femur joins with the pelvic bone.
Distal farthest or away from origin
Away from or farthest the point of origin or
attachment. For example: the hand is at the
distal end of the forearm.
Ipsilateral same side
On the same side of the body. For example:
the liver is ipsilateral to the appendix.
Contralateral opposite side
On opposite sides of the body. For example:
the spleen is contralateral to the liver.
Superficial Closer to the body surface.
Deep Farther from the body surface.

For example: The eipdermis is superficial to

the hypodermis and the hypodermis is deep to
the epidermis, but the skin is superficial to the
muscles and the bones are deep to the
anterior = ventral = front
posterior = dorsal = back
superior = cephalic = cranial = head
inferior = caudal = tail
distal = farther from point of attachment
proximal = closer to point of attachment
medial = towards midline
lateral = away from midline

Body Cavities:

There are 5 main body cavities:

1) Cranial cavity
2) Vertebral canal
3) Thoracic cavity
4) Abdominal cavity
5) Pelvic cavity

Contained organs:
1) Cranial cavity: Brain
2) Vertebral canal: Spinal cord
3) Thoracic cavity: Lungs, heart
4) Abdominal cavity: Digestive organs, spleen, kidneys
5) Pelvic cavity: Bladder, reproductive organs

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