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Alex Suboticki

1. Who are the modern sophists, persuaders?

The modern sophists are advertising agencies, politicians, and anyone who is in the business of
trying to sway your opinion.

2. What are their aims? How do they go about fulfilling those aims?
The sophists, or persuaders, aim to receive you as their followers in a way. They try to use jaded
or otherwise biased opinions to gain your trust or convey a message to you that could push you
to think, vote, or believe something in particular. Sophists go about this by appealing to your
senses and or your emotions. They show signs of familiarity, belonging, or relatability to gain
your trust.

3. How do they differ from philosophers like Socrates?

Sophists have a way with appealing to people using fallacious arguments in one way or another
to benefit themselves, whereas a philosophers like Socrates used information to help people think
critically and improve themselves, while still staying true to his words and not using deceptive
tactics or loophole arguments.

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