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Madison Ruiz

ID #: 204153

Essential Skills
Evidence Form
Standard Demonstrate Civic and Community Engagement
Apply knowledge of local, state, and U.S. history and government to explain current
social and political issues.
Perform the civic and community responsibilities essential to living in a representative
Description of Activity/Task/Experience that demonstrates I am at or above standard in
the specific skills for the standard mentioned above:
Because I am currently taking AP Government I know a lot about our local, state, and
national government. Thanks to this class, I actively participate in mock presidential
elections and government relate simulations. I have performed many civic and
community responsibilities as well. During my junior year of high school I went to the
Orenco neighborhoods and collected cans for my schools canned food drive. By doing
this I was able to contribute meals to families that do not have the money to feed their
children or other family members every day, a civic duty that everyone should perform. I
also volunteered at BLAST, an after school enrichment program for school aged children.
I taught them how to stay healthy and gave them many tips and tricks on how to maintain
a healthy diet. I also encouraged physical activity by setting up activities for the children
to participate in during their time outside.

Explanation/Reflection of how the activity/task/experience described above meets or

exceeds the specific skills of the standard mentioned above:
The activities I have explained above demonstrate that I exceed the specific skills. My
knowledge in government is apparent in my participation in AP Government class. The
community and civic service I have done are great examples of the work I have done for
my community. During the times I have volunteered I have learned that these skills are
necessary to keep our government intact. Performing these duties are a responsibility of
each citizen and should be done by everyone.

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