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Practical examination

Java Programming
1. Write a java program to read an array of 10 elements and shift downwards.
2. Define a class Book with bookid, bookname, price and author. Instantiate class to
initialize data members. Write method to read book details and print the details.
3. Write a java program to illustrate single level inheritance.
4. Define a class arithmetic having integer data members and methods to perform
arithmetic operation.
5. Write a java program to design a GUI form reading user details such as name
email, gender and city from user.
6. Write a program to create an applet to display your name.
7. Write a java program to read 10 values and find maximum.
8. Write a program to handle divide by zero exception
9. Write a program to illustrate use of super keyword.
10.Write a program in java to display the name of thread that execute main.
11.Write a java program to demonstrate that as a high priority thread executes it
will delay the execution of all lower priority threads.

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