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ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ..........................................................................

1. Write a Program in JAVA to print the Fibonacci Series.

2. Write a Program in JAVA to print the Pell Series.
3. Write a Program in JAVA to take input from the User and Print
the Desired Pattern.
Write a Program in JAVA to accept a Special Two Digit Number,
then display the message “Special 2-Digit Number” or else print
“Not a Special 2-Digit Number”.
5. Write a Program in JAVA to accept a number from the User and
Check if it is Automorphic or Not.
6. Write a Program in JAVA to accept a number from the User and
Check if it is a Palindromic Number or Not.
7. Write a Program in JAVA to accept Name from the User and Print
it as Initials.
8. Define a class called ParkingLot and write a main method to
create an object of the class and call the mentioned methods.
9. Define a class ElectricBill and write a main method to create an
object of the class and call the mentioned methods.
10. Define a class called BookFair and write a main method to create
an object of the class and call the mentioned methods.
11. Design a class to overload a function area( ).
12. Design a class to overload a function volume( )
13. Write a program to accept a two different characters & display
the sum & difference of their ASCII values.
14. Write a Program in JAVA to convert the first letter of each word in
a sentence to Upper Case and print it.
15. Write a Program in JAVA to input an array of 10 elements. Find
the greatest and the smallest element and print them
16. Write a Program in JAVA to input an array and print All Prime
Numbers among them. Print their sum.
17. Write a Program in JAVA to use Linear Search Algorithm to find
the desired element inputted by the user
18. Write a Program in JAVA to use Bubble Sort Algorithm to print
the Array Elements in ascending order.
19. Write a program to initialize "The Seven Wonders of the World”
along with their Locations in two different arrays. Search for a
name of the country input by the user. If found, display the
country along with its Wonder, otherwise display 'Sorry Not
20.Write a program to accept 5 integer numbers in a single
Dimensional Array. Find and Display the following:
 Number of Even Numbers.
 Number of Odd Numbers.
 Number of Multiples of 4.

1. Write a program in JAVA to determine whether the year is a leap
year or not.
2. Write a Program in JAVA to take a number as the input by the
user and reverse it.
3. Write a Program in JAVA to check whether a string is palindromic
or not.
4. Write a Program in JAVA to make Triangular patterns.
5. Write a Program in JAVA to generate random numbers
6. Write a Program in JAVA to find the factorial of numbers.
7. Write a Program in JAVA to find the ASCII value of characters.
8. Write a Program in JAVA to check whether the number
given by the user is prime or not.
9. Write a Program in JAVA to find the area of a circle where
the radius is given by the user
10. Write a Program in JAVA to print the table of 5.


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