Touchstone Unit10

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Short adjectives:

Add -er
Ends in -e add
only r
Ends with y

Ends with a vowel

consonant(-d, -n,
-etc) double the
consonant and
add er

Long adjectives:
Add more(+) or
less(-) before the

Less personal
More charismatic
More boring

ast ------------- Faster
Nice ------------- Nicer
Busy ------------- Busier

Thin ------------- Thinne
Slow ------------- Slowe

Irregular adjectives:
Good ---------------Better
Bad -----------------Worse

Object(s) + is/are
+ adjective +
than + object(s)


4G internet is
faster than 3G

Comparative forms race

The teacher or a student shouts out one
adjective and students race to shout out the
correct comparative form, getting one point
for a correct answer but minus five for a wrong
guess. This works best with regular
comparative adjectives they havent seen the
comparative forms of before, plus maybe a
few ones that dont match the most common
rules such as more fun. You could also let
them use their dictionaries (racing to be first
to find the correct answer) if none of them are
confident enough to use their own knowledge
or guess.

Comparatives clap clap clap

The Clap Clap Clap game is a popular one in which
students sit in a circle and clap three times then pause,
with the next person having to say something relevant
(e.g. a word which starts with the last letter of the
previous word) on exactly that fourth beat. With
comparatives you can get them to make a sentence
with a new adjective comparing something to the last
object that was said. For example, the first person says
Banana and the second person says An apple is
crunchier than a banana. The next person must then
say something like A bus is heavier than an apple. If
anyone misses their cue or uses a noun or adjective
that has been used before, the game starts again with
a new series. You can limit the nouns to one kind of
word or allow anything at all.

Countables- 1,2,3,4,5
Calls ----------- 1 call 2
Minutes ------ 2

Uncountables- cant

More/fewer +
countable noun +
More/less +
uncountable noun +

I get more calls
than you
I spend more time
on the phone than

I talk more on the
phone than you

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