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Caheragh and Dromore

Assembly Newsletter
Christmas 2015




Wishing all a happy and peaceful Christmas

Fr. Daniel Pyburn P.P.
Dromore, Bantry, Co Cork. 028-52985 and 087-1303135
Caheragh Vintage Threshing Comittee
Despite a successful series of Flag Days culminating in a wonderful Threshing Day, where a very well attended event saw
many old friends meet up, while new friendships blossomed, sadly we "fell" at the last hurdle, when the inclement weather
forced the postponement of the Presentation Evening scheduled for Sat 5th December. A new date has yet to be decided, this
will be advertised. The Committee would like to take this opportunity to wish all our helpers and many supporters a very
Holy and Happy Christmas and every blessing in the New Year.

Cheval Ride
There will be a fundraising Cheval Ride on this Sunday 20th December - leaving Coachman's Inn Bauravilla at 12.30pm and
returning at 3.30pm approx. Prizes and raffle on the day. All welcome to attend. All proceeds in aid of Co Action Skibbereen

Caheragh/Dromore Defibrillator Group

Caheragh/Dromore Defibrillator Group continues to meet regularly to practice Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) and
the use of the AEDs. (Automated External Defibrillators). Practice training usually takes place one evening a month
throughout the year (with a break for the summer months) in Caheragh Community Hall.
Regular practice ensures locally trained volunteers can access and use one of our four AEDs in the event of a heart related
emergency. Swift intervention has been proven to save lives, so please come to a practice.

Our four AEDs are located at Dromore National School, Clancys Cross, Coachmans Inn Bauravilla and on the outside
wall of West Cork Oil offices in Caheragh.
Insurance and ongoing maintenance are annual costs to be provided for by the group. We are extremely grateful to all those
who attended our Coffee Morning & Cake Sale on Sunday the 2nd of November, your generous contributions were very
much appreciated. We wish all our fellow parishioners a very Happy Christmas, Good Fortune & Good Health in 2016

Dromore N.S.
We have had a very successful and hardworking term. Five new infants joined us in September and two other new students
and by now they are well settled in and enjoying Dromore NS. We have been very busy this term.
We had a dress up day on the day of the midterm holidays in aid of the refugee crisis and we collected

155 for refugee

charities. To celebrate Maths Week, classes partook in daily challenges and we all went on maths trails around the school and
played lots of maths based games, for example card games. 3rd to 6th class went to Caheragh school to visit the Mathsworks
maths workshop. We had a very exciting day on the 3rd of November when members of the Army and Navy came to present
the school with a tricolour which will be put up on Proclamation day on 15th of March to celebrate the commemoration of the
Easter Rising. It was so interesting to hear about the Rising and to learn about their jobs. We continued our Walk on
Wednesdays until midterm and will resume it again in the spring time. We have started our fifth flag and our focus this year
will be increasing biodiversity (lots of animals and plants) in the school and we spent a lot of time planting new bulbs in
preparation for spring. We have entered lots of competitions, like the Doodle 4 Google and the Library card competitions.
Our Friendship weeks have continued and it is a great way to get to know each other and to get to know the new students. We
were absolutely delighted and surprised to welcome the Rose of Tralee, Elysha Brennan, to the school on Monday 7th of
December. It was a definite highlight of the year! It was a surprise visit to see Aoife Buckley and Elysha visited all classes
telling us about what it means to be the Rose of Tralee and all the work she has to do. She was a lovely person and we really
enjoyed the visit.
The Junior room (Junior Infants, Senior Infants and First) have been doing lots of interesting work. We have been learning
about homes and the different types of homes, reading the story The Lighthouse Keepers Lunch and we painted beautiful

lighthouses. We carried out very interesting science experiments during science week. Our favourite was making our very
own lava lamp. We have been learning all about farms and discussing different farm animals. Currently we have been
learning about winter. We discussed the signs of winter, we designed winter woollies (hats) and created winter houses. We
also have been learning about the South and North poles. We all loved the penguin and made lovely penguins! We started
baking in our class and made rice Krispy buns. They were yum! We learned all about melting and watched the chocolate
change from solid to liquid.
The middle room (Second and Third Class) have been learning in the autumn about hedgehogs and hibernation and doing
interesting science experiments involving Smarties and buttons! We celebrated science week by doing experiments like
making our own teabags, rainbow milk, making our own snot (it was revolting) and investigating the effects of vinegar (a
mild acid) on eggshell and chicken bones. We have made autumn mobiles, investigated Van Gogh, looking at the colour
wheel and hot/cold colours. We have been learning about counties and have worked together to complete projects on the
different provinces. We had the enrolment mass on the 14th of November where eight of our students enrolled for the
sacraments of First Penance and First Eucharist. We have been working hard on learning our prayers in preparation for our
big days and the second class are involved in lighting the Advent candles in preparation for Christmas. Currently, we are
doing lots of Christmas art and craft work for Christmas.
The first term has been very busy and eventful in the Senior room (Fourth, Fifth and Sixth class). In September and October
pupils learned about Autumn through the medium of poetry and art. During this time we completed and presented rugby

In art we looked at Wassily Kandinsky

specifically his bright colours and his Squares with Concentric Circles

and Laurel Burch who does wonderful animal paintings, in particular cats. Recently we have been working on the theme
aviation. We read about famous aviators such as Amelia Earhart and the Wright brothers. We have learned about different
inventors past and present including Thomas Edison, Henry Ford and Steve Jobs. In geography we have been working on our
island projects. They did wonderful presentations on their projects and the pupils revised what they had learned with a quiz.
We have also been busy making our wonderful winter village scene. Not to mention all the singing practice in preparation for
the Christmas concert.
What a tremendously busy, creative and enjoyable term it has been.

Our five new Junior Infants Fintan Barry Blaith n

Crowley, Olivia Barry S obhan Wilcox and Daniel Mulhall.

Surprise Visitor, Rose of Tralee Elysha Brennan,with

Aoife Buckley and her parents Patrick and Margaret.

Dreeny N.S.
We are all very busy at Dreeny N.S. preparing for Christmas. We held a very successful evening on Tuesday 15th December
hosting our Christmas concert where the senior and junior room put on two productions for their parents and relatives. A
great evening was had by all topped off by teas/coffees afterwards and delicious cake made by the senior room. As a treat
after all of their hard work, the children were taken to the pantomime Beauty and the Beast at the Cork Opera House on
Thursday 17th December to see how the professionals do it!
Earlier on this year, back in September we welcomed our new junior infants Dylan ODonovan, Colin Kingston, Orla Deane,
Sam Kingston and Matthew Crowley.
The pupils from the senior room went to the Taste of West Cork in September to learn all about how to make homemade
bread and butter. They also visited the Garden of Eden project which inspired many to start their own vegetable patches at
At the start of October the pupils commenced eight weeks of swimming classes in Baltimore Community Leisure Centre
which the they thoroughly enjoyed.
Congratulations to Eimear Crowley, Tuan Shorten, James Mc Carthy and Shane Kingston who represented Dreeny in the
recent Library Quiz in Skibbereen. They did us proud.
This year we have a big First Holy Communion class enrolled for the sacrament which they will receive on May 15th, they

are Thianna Keohane, Ciara Delaney, Katie Kingston, Adam ODonovan, Jonathon ONeill, Jack Crowley, Cathal and Eoin
OShanahan. At the moment they are preparing for the Sacrament of Penance in the New Year.

The pupils in the senior room took part in the mobile maths workshop which was held in Caheragh NS in November. Dreeny
NS, Caheragh NS and Dromore NS joined together to learn new maths skills in an active classroom environment. A very
enjoyable morning was had by all; the children had a lot of fun working together with the other neighbouring schools.
We have been very actively fundraising both locally and nationally since September. In October all pupils took part in a
Read-a-thon in aid of MS Ireland, a total of

598 was raised. In November we had a crazy hair day. This fund raiser was great

fun with coloured wigs, hair dyes and all types of crazy up styles. It was fantastic to see the children bring in some of their
savings as it was a fund raiser for Our Ladys hospital for sick children in Crumlin and

397.50 was raised. In early December

the children took part in the Christmas shoe box appeal for less fortunate children in African countries. We are currently
collecting for the St. Vincent de Paul Christmas food appeal campaign.
In November, Karen Mc Carthy from the RSA and Garda Brigid Hartnett from the Bantry Garda Station visited our school.
Both ladies spoke to us about safety on our roads when walking, cycling and travelling in our cars.
As 2015 draws to a close, we would like to thank all the parents and the wider community for their support throughout what
has been an exciting year of learning. We wish everyone a very Happy Christmas and best wishes for 2016.

Pupils & Staff (Dreeny N.S.)

Receiving the National Flag, November 3rd 2015

Caheragh N.S.
It has been a fun but hectic first term here in Caheragh NS. We welcomed our eleven Junior Infants on Septmeber 1st, who are
now well settled into school life. We hope this will be the first of eight very happy and fulfilled years in Caheragh N.S. We of
course welcomed all our other students back to school, all looking refreshed and eager to work after their summer holidays!
We were lucky enough to have lots of visitors to our school this term, such as: Mr. Ian Vickery, Station Officer with Bantry
Fire Brigade, Mr. Des Quinn, Station Officer and Mr. Ian Minehane, fire fighter with Skibbereen Fire Brigade who visited us
on September 8th. They spoke to all classes about what to do in the event of a fire and how to keep safe. They also did a
demonstration of a chip pan fire. It really showed the children the danger of chip pans. They gave the children
homework....everyone had to check that their smoke alarms were working correctly.
We had a very successful and enjoyable day on November 4th, receiving our National Flag from Lt Elizabeth Barrett, PO
Mark Linehan and Trooper Rob Daly. We will be raising the flag on March 15th, 2016 as part of the National Flag Day,
commemorating 1916. Parents and family members joined us on the day to help us out during the event and they provided lots
of delicious baking. The continued support shown to the school by the parents and the local community is very much
On 17th of November, we welcomed our friends from the senior rooms of Dromore NS and Dreeny NS to our school to
partake in Maths Games and Activities run by the Lifetime Lab in Cork.
On the 3rd of December, Karen McCarthy from the Road Safety Authority spoke to all the children in Caheragh NS about the
importance of Safety on our roads as both a pedestrian and a passenger.
This term also showed the skills and wide range of talents displayed by the pupils of Caheragh NS: We had many winners in
the Sherkin Island Marine Station Competition 2015, namely: Marie OSullivan, Eleanor Keating, Julia Cotter, Steven

Harrington, Christina Hurley, Caitriona ONeill, Maureen Keating, Caitriona Keohane, Maeve Kingston, Alannah Crowley,
Jason Hurley, Rory Kingston, Dylan Murnane, Liam Murray and Cathal OSullivan.

We must extend a massive congratulations to the pupils of 5th and 6th class who came 2nd in Ireland in the Maths Week
Target Board Challenge, beating out over 500 schools throughout the 32 counties.
Brian McCarthy, Colm McCarthy, Una McCarthy and Oisin Daly represented Caheragh NS in the Annual Library Quiz in
Skibbereen Library on November 5th and did their school proud.
We had a few outings, special events and learned new skills during the term: The children from 2nd-6th had 10 swimming
classes in Dunmanway Swimming Pool throughout September, October and November. They also availed of Tin Whistle
lessons which will continue for 2nd-6th classes after Christmas.
On Sunday, 15th of November, 2nd class had their Enrolment Mass for their First Holy Communion, with the pupils from
Dreeny NS, in The Church of the Holy Family, Caheragh. Children from Junior Infants to 6th class from both schools made
up the choir on the day. On the 30th of November, we went to see a wonderful production of Cinderellas Christmas in
Skibbereen Town Hall. A great time was had by all.

Receiving our National Flag from Lt Elizabeth Barrett, PO Mark Linehan and Trooper Rob Daly. Parents and family
members joined us on the day to help us out during the event and they provided lots of delicious baking.
We raised money for our school and showed our generosity towards others: On the 9th of December, we hosted a very
successful clothing collection. Thank you to all who donated! The funds raised will go towards the purchase of new book
schemes and ICT equipment in the school.
We took part in the Setanta Book Club where children have the opportunity to purchase books to encourage them to read for
pleasure. 20% of all the money used to purchase these books comes back to the school in the form of books to update and
enhance our class libraries.
Well done to the children from our school who filled nearly 70 shoe boxes which will be given to less fortunate children from
other countries. This year the shoe boxes are going to Kosovo. The children really enjoyed this exercise, in which they felt
they could make a difference to some less fortunate children in a far off country at Christmas time.
For the past few years our school has participated in the St. Vincent de Paul Christmas food appeal. With your help we are
participating again this year. All food collected will be delivered to St. Vincent de Paul who in turn will pack it in hampers
which will be distributed to families just before Christmas. Thank you for your unfailing generosity.


Caheragh N.S. (Continued)

We also have some events coming up: On Friday, 18th of December, we will have our Christmas Pageant in The Church of

the Holy Family in Caheragh at 11am. All parents/family are welcome to come and watch the childrens performance of the
Nativity. The children are all working hard to put on a fantastic performance!
All at Caheragh NS are currently putting in place, the necessary procedures to gain our 1st Green Flag, to achieve our Active
School Flag and to re-apply for our Health Promoting School Status. All these initiatives provide fantastic opportunities for
students to work as a team, to set and attain goals, to learn social and personal responsibility and to contribute to our local
community and environment.
As you can see, it has been a hectic first term in Caheragh NS,
with lots more, including Golf, Rugby, Football, Hurling, Set
Dancing and School Tours to come in 2016. The school will close
for Christmas holidays on Tuesday December 22nd at 12:30pm.
School re-opens on Wednesday January 6th.
On behalf of everyone in Caheragh NS, I would like to thank all
the parents, Board of Management Members (past and present),
children and staff for all their hard work and unfailing support
shown to the school. It is greatly appreciated. We wish you all a
Happy Christmas and a Peaceful New Year!
We welcomed our eleven Junior Infants on Septmeber 1st, who
are now well settled into school life.

On the occasion of their Golden Jubilee,

Paddy and Nan Crowley, Bauravilla

Dear Lord, these two have been as one

Through times of trial and times of fun,
50 years as man and wife,

Theyve built a home, a love, a life.

Please bless them in the times ahead
with love as strong as when they wed.
Keep them safe, keep them true,
Honouring and obeying You.

Tour de Munster 2015

A big thank you to everyone who supported the Charity Tour de

Munster cycle which took place in August & covered all 6 counties of

Munster - a 600 KM cycle with it finale on St Patricks Hill, Cork City.

A massive

264,192.08 was raised & will go a long way to giving help

& support to the many people with Down Syndrome in the 6 Branches
of Down Syndrome Ireland.

Barry & ODonovan, Madore & William Kingston, Toreen were among
the West Cork cyclists who took part in the charity cycle.
Check out You Tube - Tour de Munster 2015 for a flavour of what the

Tour is all about

William on his way to the

Barry at the top of The
Connor Pass, Dingle

A group of West Cork Cyclists

who completed the cycle..

Top of St Patricks Hill,


Tadgh Mac Crthaigh GAA News

With the 2015 Season now at an end and with the festive Season fast approaching its a good time to reflect on the year gone
by. The under 21 footballers were first into action in early March when they took on Championship favourites Kilmeen in
the first round under lights in Clonakilty. Despite having only 17 players on the panel the team played superbly on the night
and led for most of the game with Kilmeen getting a late equaliser to take the game into extra time. In extra time Caheragh
were denied a replay when a late free was waved wide. The whole team showed tremendous courage but the man of the
match display by midfielder Brian O Driscoll was truly outstanding.
The Junior A footballers had a good first round Championship victory over Clonakilty in May but then waited three months
before playing Kilmacabea in the next round in August. Despite a below par display the team were only beaten by one point
and can improve greatly for the coming season.
The Junior C team having lost the Championship final against O Donovan Rossa in 2014 reached their 2nd final in a row with
victories over Bantry and Clonakilty and again played Rossas in the final at Dunmanway in October. They were not to be
denied on this occasion and a brilliant late point by Gary O Driscoll gave them a long overdue victory. They went on to
complete the double when they defeated St.Marys in the league final at Ballineen on 14th November in dreadful conditions.
Well done to all the players and mentors on a superb achievement.
The minor team had a good first round Championship victory away to Mizen Rovers but came up against defending
Champions Ballingeary in the next round and were beaten by a very good side who surely belonged to a higher grade.
Cork County; The O Driscoll brothers, Colm, Kevin and Brian made history when they were all part of the Cork Senior
football panel that took on Kerry in the Munster Championship final in Killarney, a game that ended in a draw after a great

display by Cork to which the three lads were central. Unfortunately the replay didnt go Corks way and the qualifier game
against Kildare came too soon for the team and they were well beaten. The three lads did the club proud during the year and
the first day in Killarney will live long in the memory. Brian was also Captain of the Cork under 21 team that lost the
Munster Championship final against Tipperary. This was indeed a great honour for the club and Parish.


Junior C football double league and Championship winners.

The under age teams provided us with some great days out especially the u14 footballers who having won the C grade in 2014
moved up to B and reached the Championship final with victories against Ahan Gaels and Ilen Rovers before losing the final
to defending Champions Ballinscarthy. They also qualified for the league final but lost out to Ilen Rovers.
The u16 footballers who moved up two grades to B Championship were most unlucky to lose by just one point against
Newscestown and proved they belong in the higher grade.
The club fielded two u12 football teams who both made
league finals. Team2 were at home to a strong Adrigole
team in the final and despite a brave display were defeated
by six points. Team1 were away to Bantry in their final and
after a brilliant display of attacking football ran out winners
on a scoreline of 6-8 to 1-18. This was a super win to round
off the season and great credit is due to both teams.
Congratulations also to a number of Caheragh players who
were selected on Cork football teams. Liam O Donovan on
the u13 team, Paddy Burke, Michael McCarthy, and Dylan
Murray were selected on the u15 team while Killian Murray
was selected on the Cork u17 team.

Under 12 football league winners

Tadgh Mac Crthaigh GAA News - Continued

The u8 and u10 football teams took part in numerous blitz competitions during the year and played some very exciting
matches. The under 10 team in particular played many challenge matches and took part in the Ilen Cup in early Sept, where
they were unlucky to lose narrowly to Ilen Rovers and O Donovan Rossa.
Hurlers from the club played with St.Patricks from under 12 upwards while u10s and u8s played with Caheragh and enjoyed
a number of blitz. Well done to all the players for turning out in such large numbers.
Finally, the club would like to thank all the coaches and selectors with the various teams for the huge amount of work that was
put in during the season and wish them, the players, supporters and sponsors a very Happy Christmas and Healthy New Year.

U8 & U10 footballers at end of Season Blitz in Clonakilty.

The Captain Francis ONeill Memorial Co.

The Captain Francis ONeill Memorial Co. had a fairly good year in spite of the inclement weather. Our Ceili & Old time
Dances were successful. Our Mid-Summer Dance on June the 21st. had to be transferred to The G.A.A. Hall in Aughaville
owing to the unsuitable weather for open air platform dancing. The Annual Pattern Day at the Monument in Tralibane had to
be cancelled also owing to the bad weather on September 13th.

The Annual ONeill walk was held on that day.This walk is held each year in conjunction with the Pattern Day & The Chief

ONeill week end Music Festival in Bantry. It was lead by Timmy McCarthy. It started at Tralibane Bridge accompanied by
Traditional Musicians from as far away as Waterford, Castletownbere, Bantry Comhaltas, & Vincent Crowley who organised
a covered in Trailer so the Musicians were able to play ONeills music on their way to the O Neill Monument in Tralibane

via ONeills Birth place. A Marquee was set up on the platform refreshments were served and the musicians entertained the
crowd for the evening. The music could be heard all over the valley of Tralibane. Our thanks to all our patrons who
supported the walk on the day. People attended from as far away as San Francisco, Oxford in England & France..
Our thanks to all our sponsors, Refreshements from The Kingston Family Glenilen Farm Drimoleague. Thanks to The
Committee of Caheragh Community Hall, Caheragh G.A.A., The Arts Council & The West Cork Mary Daly Fund & to all
our patrons that support us during the year. Go raibh mile maith agaibh go leir.
Our latest achievement on site in Tralibane is the erection of outdoor seating around the Platform. Our next Ceili & Old Time
is on January 8th. 2016. Music by Tim Jo & Ann ORiordan.

The hard working ONeill Co. taking a tea break from preparing the Site and laying down the
wooden Platform in Preparation for the Mid-Summer Dance in Tralibane on June 21st.

g and Scor na bPist.

Scor na n

The Tadhg Mac Carthaigh Scor competitions were held in Caheragh Hall on October 28th. A great evenings entertainment
was had by all. It was wonderful to see an abundance of talent alive and well in the parish and to see lots of new faces taking
part in the Scor competitions. This is very encouraging for the future of Scor in Caheragh. It was great to see the Play (or

L iri as it is now called) back as part of the local programme. This added greatly to the evenings entertainment.

The following are the Scor na bPist results.

Figure Dancing. 1st Maeve Kingston, Katie Daly, Helena Collins, Caitriona Keohane, Amy McKennedy and Sin ad O

Solo Singing. Under 2nd class, 1st Ciara Delaney, 2nd Katie Kingston, 3rd Ciara McCarthy, joint 4th Darragh O Regan,
Denis Collins, joint 5th Jonathan O Neill, Stephen O Neill and Nora Cronin.

3rd class and up. 1st Katie Daly, joint 2nd Helena Collins and Ois n Daly, 3rd Eugene Daly, joint 4th Caoimhe Cronin,
Eimear Crowley and Hannah Crowley.

Recitation. Under 2nd class, 1st Adam O Donovan, 2nd Katie Kingston, 3rd Johnaton ONeill.
3rd class and up. 1st Caitriona Keohane, 2nd Eimear Crowley.

Ballad Group. 1st Chloe Murnane, Maeve Kingston, Chloe O Sullivan, Caitr ona Keohane and Helena Collins. 2nd Nora O

Driscoll, Katie Daly, Laura Kingston, Rory Kingston and Ois n Daly.

2nd class and under, 1st Katie Kingston, Ciara Delaney, Thianna Keohane and Adam O Donovan.

Musical Group. 1st Ois n Daly, Maeve Kingston, Caitr ona Keohane and Helena Collins.

Quiz. 1st Brian McCarthy, 2nd James McCarthy, 3rd Helena Collins, 4th Ois n Daly.

L iri (Play). Maeve Kingston, Ois n Daly, Louise Keohane, Caitriona Keohane, Rory Kingston, Dylan Murnane, Timothy
Farrell and Katie Daly.

Solo Dancing. Under 2nd class. 1st Laura Kingston. 2nd Sheelagh O Donovan.

3rd class and up. 1st Sin ad O Donovan, joint 2nd Amy McKennedy and Maeve Kingston, 3rd Katie Daly.
Solo Music. 3rd class and up, 1st Helena Collins, 2nd Stephen Delaney, 3rd Eimear Crowley.
2nd class and under, Jonathan O Neill.

Sean n s Dancing. 1st Maeve Kingston.

g finalists with shield for best participating club

Caheragh Scor na n

g results.

The following are the Scor na n

Figure Dancing. 1st Clodagh McKennedy, Maeve Kingston, Mair ad Crowley, Aoife Kingston, Claire Hegarty, Amy

McKennedy, Sin ad O Donovan and Helena Collins.

Solo Singing. 1st Katie Daly.
Recitation. 1st Caitriona Keohane.

Ballad Group. 1st Susannah Keohane, Jennifer Collins, Aoife Kingston, Helena Collins and Maeve Kingston.

Musical Group. 1st Ois n Daly, Maeve Kingston, Caitr ona Keohane and Helena Collins, 2nd Maeve Kingston, Mair ad

Crowley, Aoife Kingston, Helena Collins and Ois n Daly.

Set Dancing. 1st Clodagh McKennedy, Maeve Kingston, Mair ad Crowley, Aoife Kingston, Claire Hegarty, Amy

McKennedy, Sin ad O Donovan and Helena Collins.

Quiz. 1st Charlie McCarthy, 2nd Conor McCarthy, 3rd Eugene Daly, 4th Brian McCarthy, 5th James MCarthy.

L iri. The same play was sent forward as per Scor na bPaist with a slight change of cast with Eugene Daly, Mark Hegarty
and Aoife Kingston replacing Timothy, Dylan and Katie.
Continued... ..

g and Scor na bPist.

Scor na n

Continued ...

g competition have since gone on to represent the club in the Carbery Final.

The local winners in the Scor na n

The club was

represented in all categories. The club was very successful, coming away with two first places, in the play and set dancing
and four second places in figure dancing, musical group, recitation and the ballad group. The set dancers and the play secured
themselves a place in the County Final, which took place in Coachford on Sunday, November 22nd. The Tadhg Mac
Carthaigh representatives performed superbly but were up against stiff competition. The play, 1916 Commemeration, made

up of Mark Hegarty, Ois n and Eugene Daly, Louise Keohane, Caitriona Keohane, Aoife, Maeve and Rory Kingston came

2nd while the Set Dancers of Clodagh McKennedy, Maeve Kingston, Mair ad Crowley, Aoife Kingston, Claire Hegarty,

Amy McKennedy, Sin ad O Donovan and Caitriona Keohane were un-lucky not to be placed. However the club did not

come away empty handed and was delighted to be presented with the award for the best represented club in Scor na n

within the county. This was a fantastic achievement and was a great reward for all the time and effort that has gone in to Scor
this season.

g table quiz took place in Bishopstown GAA complex on Friday,

The Cork County Scor na n

December 11th and the club was represented by Charlie McCarthy, Conor McCarthy, Eugene
Daly and Brian McCarthy who achieved third place.

Many thanks to all who helped with our local round of Scor, especially our MCs Teddy ORegan
and Padraig O Driscoll, judge Tracey ODriscoll and to the parents who volunteered on the

night. A big thank you to all the parents/mentors who have spent much time and effort coaching
the children along the way, preparing for the many competitions. The next round of Scor na

bPist will take place early in the new year. Once again the club will be strongly represented and
we look forward to this competition.

Extract from l iri, Scor na bPist a

Prof Gerry O'Sullivan Memorial Park

The development of the park is a work in progress. Our plans next year are to agree the design
and proceed with the erection of the memorial to Prof O'Sullivan.
On Saturday the 5th of December a portion of the park was flooded as a result of the river bursting
its banks. There is a narrow section at the bridge which will undoubtedly cause future problems if
we are to experience other torrential downpours similar to the 4th and 5th. It is our intention next
year also to start the process of extending the footpath from the park to the Church, this will
involve consultation with Cork County Council and the Fisheries Board. The works which will be
carried out will also hopefully lessen the likelihood of extensive flooding.
We wish to thank all those individuals who made voluntary donations to us and also the local
Cheval Committee and Threshing Committee who have made valuable contributions to our
fundraising effort in 2015. We also wish to thank all who attended, participated, exhibited at and
sponsored the

Monster Raffle at Our Family day and Winter Fair (ICONIC 2015) at Skibbereen

Mart on Sunday Nov.15th. It is our intention if possible to organise a similar event next year.
Robert McMahon from Lissycasey, Co Clare with our Chairman Padraig ODriscoll at ICONIC 2015

Young at Heart Club (Caheragh Active Retired Group)

As usual the group have been very busy attending social events or just spending time in the Hall catching up on the chat
while enjoying a "cuppa". A very pleasant afternoon was spent at a tea dance at the Parkway Hotel in Dunmanway, hosted by
the Rural Transport - many thanks to them. This is always successful due in part to the many groups attending providing
"catch up" for many. Mealagh Valley group entertained us to dinner and a musical afternoon, while the West Cork Hotel,
Skibbereen, provided an "Active Retired" dinner and dance for Christmas, music was provided by Marina and was attended
by approx. 200 guests. We meet in St. Mary's Hall on most Thursdays from 2pm -4pm, anybody who fancies a cuppa and
chat is more than welcome to pop in. The group wishes all our readers a Blessed and Happy Christmas (hope Santa grants
all your wishes) and Peace and Joy in the New Year

St Mary's Church, Caheragh.

Christmas Services

Sunday 20th December ~ The Fourth Sunday of Advent

8.30 Eucharist in Abbeystrewry Church
10.15 Eucharist in St. Marys Caheragh

11.30 Baptism & Eucharist in Abbeystrewry Church

19.30 Carol Service in Abbeystrewry Church (with St. Fachtnas Silver Band)
Thursday 24th December ~ Christmas Eve
16.00 Crib Service in Abbeystrewry
23.30 Eucharist in Abbeystrewry Church
Friday 25th December ~ Christmas Day

9.00 Eucharist in St. Barrahanes, Castletownshend

10.15 Eucharist in St. Marys Caheragh

11.30 Eucharist in Abbeystrewry Church

Sunday 27th December ~ The First Sunday of Christmas

11.30 Baptism & Eucharist in Abbeystrewry Church
18.00 Carol Service in St. Marys Caheragh

Tadgh Mac Carthaigh Ladies GAA

A hugely successful year has now concluded for the Tadgh MacCarthaigh ladies. The groundwork put in place over the last
few years in our underage regime is beginning to bear fruit with the U.14, U.16 and U.18 girls all reaching their respective
West Cork finals. Unfortunately they were unable to come away the ultimate prize but it does show the future is bright for
the Caheragh club. In terms of the junior ladies team the ladies benefited hugely from a mix of new blood along with the
more experienced campaigners and reached the county final where they were unlucky to be beaten on the day by
Castlemagner but made up for it by recently capturing the West Cork championship in which they defeated Muintir Bhaire on
a scoreline of 2.08 to 5 points. All of this positivity would not be possible without the time and effort put in by the respective

underage coaches, Claire FitzGerald, Patrick Keating, Theresa ONeill, Mary ODonovan, Sean Flaherty, Mike Noonan, Julie
Kingston as well as the junior coaches Pa OConnor, Gene ODonovan, Sheila Lynch & John McCarthy. Thank you to our

sponsors The Coachmans Inn. Finally keeping the club together is an arduous task but we would like to praise our chairman,
Mick Noonan, and secretaries, Helen Collins and Muriel Cronin, for their ongoing commitment. The club intend to form an
U12 team for the coming season and new members are always welcome at each age level. Save the date - the ladies will hold
their annual fundraising quiz on Monday, 28th December at 7.30p.m. in the Coachmans Inn, Bauravilla.

Junior Ladies

U16 Ladies

U14 Ladies

Weddings & Christenings 2015

The following were married in either Caheragh church or Dromore church in 2015 and we wish them happiness and the
blessings of Jesus Christ:


Fiona McCARTHY and Donnchadh DONEGAN

R is n CROWLEY and Patrick ROCHE

Elaine ODRISCOLL and Kevin BURKE

The following were christened in the parish between 1st December 2014 and 1st December 2015 and we welcome them into
the family of the Catholic Church:

Sen Daniel HAMILTON, Tooreen

Gear id Cornelius BUCKLEY, Aughaville

Katelyn Rebecca COLLINS, Scart

Aifric Rose HERLIHY, Dreeny

Joseph Noel McCARTHY, Coolboy

Anna Mary KINGSTON, Madore

Cadhla Marian OREGAN, Drimoleague

Robert Thomas COSGROVE, Cork

Hannah Mary REEN, Caheragh
James Patrick CRONIN, Droumourneen
Ciara Lily HARRINGTON, Droumourneen
Donnacha Joseph OSHEA, Ballyourane
Joseph Timothy CONNOLLY, Barna

Fionn Seamus CROWLEY, Bunalun

Fionn Sen ODONOVAN, Colomane

Conor James Davlin ODONOGHUE, Australia

Dara Brian OREGAN, Skibbereen

Katie Louise OSULLIVAN, Dreeny

ine Marie LYNCH, Coolnaclehy

Dylan Ger McCARTHY, Glounathnaw

I.C.A News
The Caheragh guild have had another busy year. Members had success in competitions such as table quiz, flower arranging,
baking and other crafts. They also enjoyed many trips to the sports centre in Skibbereen having availed of the "Go for Life"
Members attended craft days at the Celtic Ross Hotel in Rosscarbery. The annual Christmas lunch was enjoyed at the West
Cork Hotel in Skibbereen followed by an afternoon of music, song and dancing.
Meetings are held on the third Wednesday monthly. New members and former members are most welcome.

Nollaig Shona dhaoibh go l ir.

I am very grateful to all who used the offertory envelopes in 2015 and I encourage you to do so in 2016. Please use them at
Masses in Caheragh and Dromore and also if you are at Mass in churches which surround Caheragh Parish such as Bantry,
Skibbereen, Drimoleague, Drinagh, Durrus, Ballydehob, Kilcoe and Leap. It would not be feasible to bring the envelopes to
churches which are further away than those. Also, the parish can receive financial rebates from the Revenue Commissioners
for offerings given to the parish by taxpayers. I urge anyone who pays tax to complete the form which is available in the
porches of Caheragh and Dromore churches and return it as soon as possible.
Fr. Daniel Pyburn P.P.

Newsletter Editorial Team

The Parish Assembly would like to introduce and commend the new Newsletter
editorial team who have worked to publish this issue - We are a small group and
would welcome new members who wish to contribute to communications in the
parish and gain some publishing experience in the process.
We continue to encourage wider community input to the newsletter. News
items can be submitted by email to ; dropped
into the post-box at Caheragh Church Sacristy, or passed to any member of the
Parish Assembly. We welcome all local news items, achievements by
community members at home or away, notes on family celebrations, notes from
all sporting and community groups, notices of upcoming events. Photos are
always welcome and add greatly to the enjoyment of the newsletter.

IceCream Funday
The Parish Assembly would like to thank everyone who contributed so generously to the ice cream funday for Down
Syndrome Ireland which was held over the Summer at Dromore and Caheragh. The sum raised was


A little reminder of Summer & a thank you to all those who help and
contribute to Ice Cream Fundays

Congratulations to Caheragh's Michael Bohane on winning the Munster Intermediate championship this Summer and
subsequently contesting an All-Ireland final.

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