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Procedure Presentation by Deborah Carriles

Purpose/Objective: Today we are going to learn how to line up for lunch. This is
important so you can have enough time to eat and then play at recess.
Anticipatory Set (Focus): So do all of you like recess time? Well, if we learn how to line
up correctly this will get us to the cafeteria on time so you can eat your lunch then have
time to play.
Input: What do we need to learn about lining up for lunch? We need to learn where to
line up for lunch and in what order we line up. We need to learn who goes first and why?
We will line up in alphabetical order. The first person will also be number 1, and then the
next person in alphabetical order will be number 2, and so on.
Modeling: Lets look at the bulletin board. The X represents each student and where
they are to stand by the door. When we line up our hand are by our side and our
bodies/face are facing forward. (Model this task.)
Guided Practice: Lets practice. I need number 1, 2 and 3 to come up now. Remember to
keep your hands by your side especially if you have a lunchbox as we do not want to
accidently bump into anyone while they are standing in the line. Next, lets have 4, 5 & 6.
(Continue asking for students to come up until all students are in line.)
Check for Understanding: This is the time to ask students to model the behavior. Ask
them where they are to line up, how do they line up, where are their arms/hands to be
once they are in line.
Independent Practice: Now can you show me on your own how we line up to go to
Closure: Can you tell me how we line up for lunch? Here the students are to explain
where they are to line up, who goes first and why and what happens once they are in line.

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