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Steam tank by kiromonk (2010)

1/6 (row1 col1)

second cannon
front cannon
L wheel

R wheel



Steam tank by kiromonk (2010)

2/6 (row1 col2)


Hello everyone!, i'm proud to present to you,

the steam tank por warhammer fantasy,
or any other game you may find suitable.
I recommend reading the instructions
BEFORE starting, so don't complain to me.
(sorry for any grammar error I may have, by the way)
0- Print the pages 1-2 in A4, no scale needed.
1- Grab a cutter blade, and a glue stick, and some foam 3mm thick
(cardboard also works) for the base (it's 10x5 cm)
2- Cut the straight lines and score the dot lines.
3- Cut pieces "1-2-3", glue "1" (BASE) and "2" (BODY).
*IMP: BEFORE glueing "3" (TOP) to BODY, remove the circle of "3"
**IMP: DON'T I repeat, DON'T glue TOP to BODY YET,
you need to make the turret first, and put the main canon inside.
4- the front canon it's one
piece only very easy to
make, so no more about it.
glue it to the base,
not too inside,
not too outside either.

Steam tank by kiromonk (2010)

3/6 (row1 col3)

5- Cut the front wheels, and glue them as shown in the picture.

6- turret; glue the turret and the second cannon

together. Remember to leave the remaining tabs

7- Cut the "CIRCLE", so the turret may turn.

slide the turret tabs inside the TOP, and VERY CAREFULLY,
glue the turret tabs TO THE CIRCLE. it's very important not
to glue it to the TOP, otherway the turret will not turn.

Steam tank by kiromonk (2010)

4/6 (row1 col4)

8- Build the boiler, and the pistons,

then glue the pistons to the sides of the boiler.

9- Build the back wheels. before glueing the wheels to the pistons,
check the position with the tank.
the boiler, the pistons, and the wheels have to touch the back of the tank.

You may glue the

pipe to the boiler
now if you wish.

Allmost there!
10- Glue the full boiler
to the back of the tank.

Steam tank by kiromonk (2010)

5/6 (row1 col5)

11- cut a 10 x 5 cm base, I recommend using foam 3 mm thick,

but you may use cardboard. Then glue the tank to the base.
12- Well done! you have your new steam tank ready for smashing orks!

This model is totally free, designed to try out the steam tank tactics,
in warhammer fantasy battles.
The original steam tank from GW, it's much better.

hope you enjoy it

Steam tank by kiromonk (2010)

6/6 (row1 col6)

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