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What do Employers want for their Employees?

Employer sponsored wellness programs have been shown to be effective tools

designed to control employee healthcare costs. These programs strive to allow
employees to improve their health, manage their own health, and have a more
positive outlook on their employer and organization. Many of these programs fall
short of delivering on these goals, as they are one-sided in nature.
Organizations are not passively accepting these rising health care costs, and many
have reduced benefits as a way to deal with this issue. As a point of reference:




require hospital coverage contributions

require health insurance premium contributions
have raised their deductibles significantly
have employee contributions for dependent coverage

Employers are trying to balance their expenditures while maintaining and improving
the offerings to their employees. As technology advances, opportunities to assist
and provide these tools in a private, HIPAA and HR appropriate manner will be very

Standardization With Individualization

A Better Way To Manage Healthcare
Employer Direct Healthcare Resources (EDHR) is designed to shelter employers
from rising healthcare costs by managing patients scheduled with surgical and nonsurgical procedures. This is made possible by the utilization of our evidence-based
medicine technology platform, ePatientHR, and the sophisticated inclusion of our
administrative and clinical nursing staff.
The EDHR model utilizes a patient-centered and comprehensive web-based portal
with constant oversight of skilled clinical nurses, who provide a telehealth
component, while working directly with the employee to coordinate their care as
needed. EDHR will screen all employees through our program and coordinate the
transfer of the employees patient information to physician offices when they are
being evaluated. If an employee is scheduled for a procedure, our platform will
outline the evidence-based best recommended labs, tests, and consults to ensure
the lowest possible adverse event rate. These recommendations are dynamic and
individualized to each patients health profile.
Our successful wellness programs have numerous components and we are
committed to being part of your success. These components include:

Early Employee Engagement for procedural screening

Pre-Operative Assessments
Optimal Pre-op Testing & Labs
Improved Employee Satisfaction
Post-procedural care coordination
Communication materials
Self-help information and guidance
Nurse Advice/Coordination
Health Portal for Employee

Benefits of Deploying the EDHR Solution

How does it improve Patients Experience?
1. Employees Manage and Own their Secure Health Information
The EDHR platform enables the patient (with our oversight and assistance) to
manage their health history primarily for utilization in a perioperative and
procedure-based setting. The patient/employees information is then utilized
to risk stratify and coordinate perioperative care thus reducing the costs
associated with the procedure and any post-discharge complications.
2. Coordination for Sleep Studies
Surgical patients have an incidence of sleep apnea that is up to 2.5x higher
than the general population. In a recent analysis, we discovered a 24%
referral rate when the appropriate screening/referral process was
implemented through ePatientHR. These referrals are valuable in
identifying employees with obstructive sleep apnea, which can delay and
dramatically affect surgical care. By identifying this beforehand, patients can
be treated and the care providers can be alerted to this risk when the surgical
procedure is performed.
3. Reduced Complications
Following evidence-based guidelines and tracking high-risk patients
decreases wound infections, Congestive Heart Failure admits, pulmonary
complications, and heart attacks.
4. Increased Satisfaction
EDHR ensures the entire process is more engaging and easier to navigate for
employees. We provide a web portal for patients to enter their data from the
comfort of their home as well as the ability to capture this information from
their physicians office. An EDHR nurse also conducts patient satisfaction
follow-up calls postoperatively.

5. Decreased Case Delays and Cancellations

EDHR nurses collect patient health information on which automatically
generates testing recommendations, patient instructions and consult
indications. Savings can reach over $1 million per year when pre-op tracking
processes are implemented depending upon organization.

How do Employers Benefit?

1. Lower Costs for Unnecessary Labs & Tests
Congressional Budget Office estimates that $750 billion a year is wasted
spending for unnecessary tests, procedures, doctor visits, hospital stays, and
other services. Through the EDHR Platform, employers can reap the benefit
of coordinated care and evidence-based recommendations for required labs,
tests, and consults for your employees prior to a surgical procedure. A recent
internal audit showed that $97 per patient is saved through the ePatientHR
vs. traditional hospital care. This translates to bottom line savings for you.
2. Access to Data Analytics to Promote Better Use of Resources
With access to the effectiveness and satisfaction of various facilities and
medical providers, employers can now identify best demonstrated practices,
best physicians, specific areas of focus and the opportunity to have the
employer get valuable feedback of how they are allocating their resources
and taking care of their employees. The tools are now available to encourage
employees to use high quality providers by differentiating cost sharing.
3. Reduced Readmissions
Readmissions to the hospital affect many aspects of the employee and
employers productivity. Employees readmitted for preventable causes incur
extended delays in returning to the workforce and reduced satisfaction. The
financial impact on the employer is substantial for a readmission as every
day of continued hospitalization can incur a baseline cost of $8,000 per day
excluding additional testing and therapies that may be required. The EDHR
Platform is designed to follow up with the employee after discharge to ensure
that the overall patient health is stable to help facilitate a proper recovery.

Results with the EDHR Solution

The EDHR platform allows employers to ability to better control the overall resource
allocation and effectiveness of the healthcare coverage provided while protecting
the employees personal health information. The standardization with
individualization model enables the proper assignment and utilization of those
precious financial resources to bring about the highest satisfaction and
effectiveness of provided healthcare.

Transparency and reference-based pricing

Require patient safety criteria from participating facilities and
Offer price and quality transparency tools
Support employees to make informed medical decisions
Improve patient readiness and safety by reducing risks associated
with necessary and unnecessary procedures
Support employees to make informed medical decisions
Lower net spending for chronic conditions: utilize EDHR to avert or
avoid hospital readmissions or Emergency Room visits
Direct care to best-in-class providers by providing data driven
surveys and outcomes of care

Employers need to manage and evaluate the surgical experience for their
employees. The vast majority of failures will occur before an employee even steps
foot into the hospital and EDHR is here to ensure that doesnt happen.

Employer Direct Healthcare Resources where your employee is our patient!

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