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Minutes of the meeting held on 18 November 2015


Mei-Na Liao (MNL),

Jo Hardcastle (JH),
Ruby Takhar (RT),
Maria Grypaiou
(MG), Alqaher Morsy
(AM), Laura
Olbermann (LO),
Kwame Adugyamfi
(KA), Esther Huyer
(EH), Sophie Raatjes
(SR), Marianne
Russell (MR)


Sohaib Asghar,
Francis Kwofie

1.14/15 Minutes and Matters arising


None First meeting with new FT MSc cohort

2.14/15 Student Issues and Feedback


Student Experience:
Students have had a good overall experience on the MSc
programme so far and are generally happy.


A99 Bus Service:

Several student representatives raised the issue that around 10
HRM students do not have access to this service on Mondays
and Tuesday at the end of teaching at 7pm. JH will investigate
whether UBU safety bus could be utilised. Also, the 4.10pm bus
on Thursdays was advised as being cancelled several times so
this will be investigated as to whether it is a continuing problem
or isolated incidences. JH explained that when semester 2
electives commence with staggered module attendance, many
issues regarding transport will be solved by usage being more
evenly spread.
ACTION: JH to investigate use of UBUS at 7.10 pm for HRM
students and over-crowding/late issue with A99 on Thursday

afternoons. Also, it will be investigated to see if liaison can

create a communication portal to let the SOM know if a bus has
broken down etc. so that students can be kept informed.

Effective Learning Service (ELS):

AM raised the issue that it seemed that mature students were
not getting enough support and additional support was needed.
It seemed there was a lack of understanding as to the role of ELS
at the School. JH will send out an email to all students
advertising the assistance provided by ELS.
ACTION: JH to email MSc students with regard to ELS.


Accounting and Finance module

Student representatives reported student concerns regarding
this module and requested additional support to be made
available. MNL encouraged the student representatives to
discuss directly with module leaders any issues with individual
modules. Student representatives were asked what type of
support they would like in Accounting and Finance specifically.
MNL will also speak to the module leader about arranging
additional support.
ACTION: Student representatives and MML


SSLC meetings:
It was agreed that there would be 2 formal meetings of the SSLC
per year, 1 per semester, usually to be held at the midpoint
(week 6-7). The minutes of these meetings will be fed into the
relevant Programme Board of Studies meetings.


Recording of Tutorials:
Students asked whether tutorials could be audio recorded - MNL
explained that this was not possible at the moment due to the
potential for legal dispute, from fellow students who may not
wish their comments recorded but that she would raise this issue
for discussion at upcoming Programme Board of Study meetings.
ACTION: MML to raise at PBS


Disability Service:
EH reported that there was positive feedback about the support
provided by the Disability Service.


Student Union:
MNL encourage student representatives to find out more about
what services the Student Union were able to offer to enhance
the student experience that students might not be aware of.


Social Events:
The point was raised that HR students dont get to know other
students on the programme. JH informed that an event was
planned for the end of teaching in Semester 2. However MNL
encouraged students if they want a party or social event, then
they should organise one. They do not need to ask permission
only for any support required from SOM and the atrium could
always be used as a venue. There was some confusion that the
Student Party on 3rd December was only for Graduates but MNL
said that it was intended for current students and only held on
the same day so that students could network and mix with
graduating students.

3.14/15 Part-time/distance learner student issues and feedback


N/A or not discussed

4.14/15 Survey review (discussion on recent PTEs results)


N/A or not discussed

5.14/15 Support Services (e.g.Library Services, IT Support) review of

services/update from departments

N/A or not discussed

6.14/15 External Examiners Report (when received)

Link made available on Graduate programmes administration
organisation in Blackboard.
7.14/15 AOB


8.14/15 Date when SSLC minutes will be loaded to blackboard



[MR] [19/11/15]

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