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Thoughts on Killing for Self Defense

Our culture places a premium on human life and for most of us the belief that killing
another human being is deeply ingrained in our both our conscious and subconscious
minds. So much so, that many of us are not certain we could take the life of another
person even is a clear cut case of self defense. This programming may cause us to
hesitate just long enough to give the criminal the advantage in a critical moment.
This exercise is designed to help you look at your beliefs and reframe them in a manner
that will improve your self reliance without violating your moral beliefs.
1. Write down all of your beliefs on killing. Take 5-10 minutes and write down
everything that comes to mind. (example: It is wrong to kill)
2. Rephrase each belief in a positive manner that supports your right to self defense.
(example: It is wrong to kill = It is wrong to be killed by a criminal)
3. Write down at least ten things you would lose if you did not defend yourself.
(example: I would never see my children graduate from college)
a. Describe how that loss makes you feel.
4. Rephrase each thing you would lose as what you would gain if you did defend
yourself. (example: I would never see my children graduate from college = I would
live to watch my children grow and see them graduate from college)
a. Describe how that gain makes you feel
This is a very valuable exercise, so take the time to dig deep into your mind and do it
right. Criminals have already come to terms with killing their victims and they will not

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