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ANANDANIKETAN Lesson Plan (Secondary)

Teacher: M. Rumi

Class: 9

Date: 10.11.2015

Subject: ICT (SENSOR)

Lesson objectives: The student will be able to recognize and clarification on how
sensors are used in many applications to gather information about our environment.
Teacher activities
1. Elicit the topic Sensor showing visual
of our physical parts
2. Using WB explain who computer
process data collected by sensor and
produce result using actuator.

Student activities
1. SS will response and answer
teachers questions
2. Ss will discuss on pair and make
a list of some applications that
are controlled by computer

3. Give some example of sensor used

for monitoring / measuring / data
logging systems, and control systems

3. Read book (pg no.13) to match

with their ideas

4. Monitor students while solving


4. Individually answer multiple

chose questions


Data logging



Solve multiple chose question and Q/A

WB, Visuals, Book, Worksheet

Read Pg NO. 263 (weather stations) and
Solve Exercise 12.1, Question NO. 1

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