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Karen A.

Jehn (1992) Conflict management Questionnaire

1. How much do you trust your fellow group members?
2. How comfortable do you feel delegating to your group members?
3. Were your group members truthful and honest?
4. How much do you respect your fellow group members?
5. How much do you respect the ideas of the people in your group?
6. How much do you like your group members?
7. To what degree would you consider these people your friends?
8. How much open discussion of issues was there in your group?
9. To what degree was communication in your group open?
10. To what degree was conflict dealt with openly in your work group?
11. To what extent is your group cohesive?
12. How much do you feel like your team has group spirit?
13. To what degree would you talk up this group to your friends as a great group to
work in?

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