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May, 2010

Volume 10, No. 2

Oneness: A healing chorus unifying our levels of beingness

By Daniel J. Benor, MD
Splits and divisions
We are at odds with ourselves internally;
we believe that the inner is fundamentally different from the outer,
that what is me is quite separate from the not-me,
that divisions among people and nations are necessary,
and yet we wonder why there are tensions, conflicts, wars in the world.
The conflicts begin with minds
that believe in fragmentation
and are ignorant of wholeness.
- Vimala Thakar
Indian social activist, spiritual teacher
Western society has championed the reductionistic approach to life, believing that if we dissect
anything and everything down to ever more basic components then we will understand ever more
clearly how it works. This applies to mechanical challenges that are addressed by engineering and
physics, as well as to psychological challenges that are addressed by cognitive and behavioral
This approach has proven helpful in analyzing and understanding the structure, mechanics,
chemistry, particle and wave aspects of nature, and has provided tools for manipulating the
environment. In many ways, our lives have been made safer and easier through these approaches.
We have shelter, durable and consumable goods, transportation and communications that can
enhance our lives.
Unfortunately, these have been far from unmixed blessings. The costs to the environment from shortsighted exploitation and depletion of resources, poorly planned and crowded cities, and pollution are
now threatening not only the existence of human life but of all living organisms on our planet. We
have become over-focused on production and commerce the 'what' of our existence, while
overlooking or ignoring quality of life and respect for the environment and for all other living beings
the 'how' of our existence.
To a large extent, this represents a left-brain hemisphere style of relating to the world. See Table 1.
for hemispheric brain functions.

Table 1. Brain Hemispheric Functions

Rational/ Logic/ Cognition
Detail-oriented/ absorbed,
Time sense (past, present, future)
Paced by rules
(acts with time awareness)
Directed/ controlled by rules
Aims/ Goals oriented/ Planned
Ignores process/ May steamroll
towards set objectives
Cautious/ Inhibited
Temporal/ Partializing
Sequential (slow)
Successive (either/ or)
Objective/ sensory world
Convergent approach
Self-centered/ selfish
Language comprehension abstract
Speech content
Abstract models
Synthesis of goal-related concepts
Relatively narrow arousal level
range over which hemisphere can
Evolutionarily newer

Intuitive/ Emotion/ Feeling
Gestalt-oriented/ inclusive
(acts on present awareness)
Focuses on the present moment
Immerses in process/ Impulsive/
May get bogged down in emotions
Impulsive/ Over-reacting
Spatial/ Wholistic
Parallel (fast)
Simultaneous (both/ and)
Subjective/ intuitive, spiritual
Divergent approach
One with other and the All
Language comprehension concrete
Voice intonation
Pantomime, kinesthetic, musical
Creativity, openness to new options
Relatively wide arousal level range
over which hemisphere can function
Evolutionarily older

Socially, this attitude creates a 'me vs. them' approach to life, in which those who are more rich and/or
more powerful exploit those who are less fortunate.
Although proponents of socially responsible business are making an outstanding effort at
reforming the tired old ethics of commerce, they are unintentionally giving companies a new
reason to produce, advertise, expand, grow, capitalize, and use up resources. The rationale is
that they are doing good. But flying a jet across the country, renting a car at an airport, airconditioning a hotel room, gassing up a truck full of goods, commuting to a job these acts
degrade the environment whether the person doing them works for the Body Shop, the Sierra
Club, or Exxon.
- Paul Hawken

Sam died and was surprised at the Pearly Gates to find the welcoming angel scratching his
head in puzzlement. Ive never seen one like this before! said the angel. Your good deeds
and sins are absolutely balanced at 50-50. Ill have to ask the Boss what we do here.
The angel returned shortly, and told him with a smile, The Boss says you can take your pick.
So which do you want to visit first?
With little hesitation, Sam said, Ill visit Hell first, because Im pretty sure Ill want to just stay in
Heaven when I get there.
Sam was surprised to see Hell outfitted with tables that were groaning under the weight of the
most sumptuous foods hed ever seen. And in came the residents of Hell, who sat around the
table but were utterly frustrated because each had a large spoon with a long handle tied to
their hand. The ladles were so long, in fact, that they couldnt reach the spoon end of the ladle
with their mouths, no matter how they twisted and turned.
Sam commented on what an exquisite torture this was, and immediately opted to go to
Heaven. There, he was surprised to see the same tables and the residents with the same
sorts of spoons tied to their hands. But here, each person was feeding his or her neighbor.
- Anonymous
This anecdote may seem simplistic or preachy. It is actually a profound note on attitudes that have
corrupted people who are living in large numbers, converting them from loving, caring, family and
communally oriented individuals who cooperate with and support each other into isolated,
distrustful, 'me' vs. 'them,' competitive, dominating, exploitative, destructive, collective herd animals.
There are numerous reasons for people in modern society having come to adopt left brain dominance
as our primary social mode of consciousness and relationships at the same time weakening right
brain awarenesses and ways of relating to each other and to the world.
Left brain dominant functions (most commonly found with less expressed/developed right brain
functions), appear to be genetically inherent in males. Young boys naturally gravitate to
activities illustrating these preferences: choosing to play with trucks and construction toys and
competitive sports rather than playing with dolls or 'playing house' with explorations of social
roles that are the typically preferred modes for girls.
Men have come to dominate social relationships from dyadic partnering/ marital/ family
levels, through clans/ towns/ cities/ nations and international organizations. This is a natural
expression of left brain ways of relating to life, through controlling the outer world in order to
feel safe. The outer is perceived as 'other' than oneself, and therefore fair game for
manipulation and exploitation for one's own advantage. Product is primary in men's awareness
and goals; process is a weak and often ignored, denigrated and dismissed secondary
Controlling the outer is paralleled by controlling/ dominating the inner worlds of emotions and
intuitions. Men tend to distance themselves from that which makes them uncomfortable.
Right brain dominant functions (most commonly found with less expressed/developed left
brain functions) appear to be genetic preferences of females.
Women are more attuned to feelings/intuitions/social relationships. The 'how' of an experience
is more important to women than the outcome. Emotions and intuitions are given much higher
preferences, leading to empathetic awarenesses and interactions with other people, who are
not perceived as 'others' but rather as individuals in shared relationships. In relationships at all
levels, women are more likely to hold the common good of all in focus rather than to seek
personal advantage over others.

Women are more likely to realize that their perceptions of the world and their responsiveness
to the world determine their quality of life. When there is disharmony, women tend look inward
to address their own feelings and attitudes rather than to seek to get other people to change in
order to feel better within themselves. Men tend to want to change the others around them
when they are uncomfortable in their relationships.

Referring to back to the table of right and left-brain functions, see how you feel when you read the
functions described in Table 2.
Table 2. Brain Hemispheric Functions
Intuitive/ Emotion/ Feeling
Gestalt-oriented/ inclusive
(acts on present awareness)
Focuses on the present moment
Immerses in process/ Impulsive/
May get bogged down in emotions
Impulsive/ Over-reacting
Spatial/ Wholistic
Parallel (fast)
Simultaneous (both/ and)
Subjective/ intuitive, spiritual
Divergent approach
One with other and the All
Language comprehension concrete
Voice intonation
Pantomime, kinesthetic, musical
Creativity, openness to new
Relatively wide arousal level range
over which hemisphere can
Evolutionarily older

Rational/ Logic/ Cognition
Detail-oriented/ absorbed, exclusive
Time sense (past, present, future)
Paced by rules
(acts with time awareness)
Directed/ controlled by rules
Aims/ Goals oriented/ Planned
Ignores process/ May steamroll
towards set objectives
Cautious/ Inhibited
Temporal/ Partializing
Sequential (slow)
Successive (either/ or)
Objective/ sensory world orientation
Convergent approach
Self-centered/ selfish
Language comprehension abstract
Speech content
Abstract models
Synthesis of goal-related concepts
Relatively narrow arousal level
range over which hemisphere can
Evolutionarily newer

Do you notice any differences in your responses when you read Table 2, compared to when you read
Table 1? If you do, then you will probably also perceive differences as you read through the rest of

this editorial musing. If you prefer left-brain ways of relating to reading materials, you are likely to find
the numerous quotes bothersome to the flow of your reading; to getting to the point of this article. If
you are more right brain in your relationships with the world, you may find this meandering stroll
through levels of consciousness an enjoyable one.
The apparent goal of the journey is simply the carrot the universe dangles before you to get
you to learn the lessons the adventure yields.
- Alan Cohen
Environmentally, the selfish, human-centered approach is proving disastrous. Our modern Western
orientation is very much goal-directed, with a focus on short-term objectives that are self-centered and
ignore their impacts on other living beings and the environment. We justify to ourselves that
immediate personal achievement and material gains are proofs of the rightness of our approach. We
ignore the long-term consequences of our actions, leaving to our children and grandchildren the
burdens of repayment of the debts we incur through environmental exploitation.
Nature provides a free lunch, but only if we control our appetites.
- William Ruckelshaus
First head of the Environmental Protection Agency,
Deputy US Attorney General
We are sliding down a steep, slippery slope towards planetary suicidal destruction because of these
short-sighted, selfish beliefs, attitudes and approaches to life, the universe and everything.
Let me suggest a series of steps that can help to return us to personal, social and environmental
awareness, and hopefully along with that, to social and environmental responsibility.
One within myself
The self is made, not given. It is a creative and active process of attending a life that must be
heard, shaped, seen, said aloud into the world, finally enacted and woven into the lives of others.
- Barbara Myerhoff
Anthropologist, filmmaker

Each of us is dealt a set of gifts, life

circumstances and challenges in our
present existence. How we play the
cards and chips we are given
becomes the challenge in our game of
life. We can choose to be selfish and
exploit our world for personal gain, or
we can give some of our energies to
help others.

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In most cultures, the ruling members of society exploit the masses for the benefits and gains of the
rulers. They do this by instilling fear in the masses and pointing to threats outside the boundaries of
the 'us,' in order to distract people from realizing they are being exploited. The US, Canada and
England are in the midst of a clear example of these tactics. These countries are seeking to exploit
the oil resources of Iraq, trumping up excuses of terrorist threats to generate fears in their citizens to
justify the intended exploitations. At the same time, those corporations who are most actively
promoting these wars are reaping inordinate profits and stolen gains in the process of providing the
materials and mercenary manpower to fight these wars. The politicians in these countries are voting in
line with the corporate interests, not with the interests of its citizens, and certainly no with
consideration for the populace of the invaded countries.
The same has been done within many religious organizations. Religious leaders, seeking power and
control and with these, their own benefits and comforts instill fears in the flock of Divine retribution
for disobedience to the religious laws. These fears are reinforced by creating the illusions of dangers
from 'others' who are not of the 'divinely chosen' flock. This then justifies treating those in other flocks
as 'others' who do not deserve divine protection, and whose property can be wrested from them by
whatever means possible. It is highly probably that as many people have been killed in the name of
religion as have been enlightened by religion.
God created man in His image and man returned the compliment.
Jerome Lawrence and Robert E. Lee
US playwrights
The higher goal of spiritual living is not to amass a wealth of information, but to face sacred
- Abraham Joshua Heschel
Polish-born US rabbi, theologian, Jewish philosophers
When we free ourselves of fear, we can no longer be manipulated in these ways. One of the better
ways to freedom from fear is to achieve our personal inner peace.
There exist enquiring minds
which long for the truth of the heart,
seek it, strive to solve the problems set by life,
try to penetrate to the essence of things
and phenomena and to penetrate into themselves.
If a man reasons and thinks soundly,
no matter which path he follows
in solving these problems,
he must inevitably arrive back at himself,
and begin with the solution of the problem
of what he is himself
and what his place is in the world around him.
- G. I. Gurdjieff
Greek-Armenian mystic and spiritual teacher.
This road leads to connecting with the right-brain modalities of wholistic awareness, of our intuitive
and spiritual selves. Paradoxically, by finding our fuller personal self, we connect with our awareness
of our broader, 'higher Self.' We come into the realization that we are connected with much more than
our little selves.

Even in the concrete, physical world we may waken to the realization that each of us is a colony of
beings, rather than just the human being we have been taught to focus on.
Each one of you is so amazing. Right now you have in you one quadrillion cells. That's one
hundred trillion times one thousand. About nine hundred trillion of those cells are not human.
They're virus, bacteria, and microorganisms. What makes us human, ironically, is not human.
If they were not there you would rot like a piece of fruit in a few days. So be grateful for those
free riders. But I want you to experience something, because every second in your body, one
septillion things are happening. That's a one with 24 zeros. Another way to imagine one
septillion is it's ten times more than all the stars and planets in the known universe. Now, let
me ask you a question: Can you feel it? Seriously. One septillion interactions. It's called life.
You can feel it. Except we talk and we get busy and we ignore that feeling.
- Paul Hawken
Extending beyond the boundaries of our skins, we humans may also come to acknowledge that each
of us is as a cell in many series of larger, collective organisms.
One with other humans
Most of us are readily aware of our participation as units in our families, work and other social
settings. We, along with the others in these groups, contribute through our words, actions and
personalities to shaping these social clusters.
From the standpoint of daily life, there is one thing we do know: that we are here for the sake
of each other - above all for those upon whose smile and well-being our own happiness
depends, and also for the countless unknown souls with whose fate we are connected by a
bond of sympathy. Many times a day I realize how much my own outer and inner life is built
upon the labors of my fellow men, both living and dead, and how earnestly I must exert myself
in order to give in return as much as I have received.
- Albert Einstein
Interacting with others, we come to know ourselves for who we are. By bouncing off others, we learn
to recognize our personality styles and preferences, our strengths and our weaknesses.
At first, our awareness is of 'I' and 'others.' Gradually, our awareness can shift to deeper
understandings of our participation in the social web of life.
When we seek for connection, we restore the world to wholeness. Our seemingly separate
lives become meaningful as we discover how truly necessary we are to each other.
- Margaret Wheatley
Writer, management consultant who studies
organizational behavior
Moving more deeply yet, we may come to perceive that the group in which we are participating has a
life and consciousness of its own, as a collective entity. At the same time that we contribute to the
group as individuals, we are a cell within that larger entity.

The challenge awaiting us is to go much deeper as human beings, to abandon superficial

prejudices and preferences, to expand understanding to a global scale, integrating the totality
of living, and to become aware of the wholeness of which we are a manifestation.
- Vimala Thakar
Indian social activist, spiritual teacher
The tabernacle of unity hath been raised; regard ye not one another as strangers. Ye are the
fruits of one tree, and the leaves of one branch.
- Bah'u'llh (1817-1892)
Founder of the Bah' Faith
Tablet to Mnikch Shib, 1.15
In a real sense all life is inter-related. All persons are caught in an inescapable network of
mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one directly affects all
indirectly. I can never be what I ought to be until you are what you ought to be, and you can
never be what you ought to be until I am what I ought to be. This is the inter-related structure
of reality.
- Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr.
As we open more deeply to our spirituality, our oneness with other people is also deepened.
The highest spiritual act in life is to see yourself in everyone else and everyone else in you, to
surrender yourself and see everyones joy and suffering as your own, to detach yourself from
your ego-need to be attached to the fruits of your labor, and to simply see everyone else in the
world as part of you.
- Wayne Dyer
For the Love of God
We also interact with other living beings through our biological energies and consciousness. This has
been well studied in healing research (Benor, 2001a; 2001b) and parapsychological research (Radin,
1997; 2006).
One with all of nature
All concepts setting boundaries to what we term the self are arbitrary. In the systems view, we
consist of and are sustained by interweaving currents of matter, energy, and information that
flow through us interconnecting us with our environment and other beings. Yet, we are
accustomed to identifying ourselves only with that small arc of the flow-through that is lit, like
the narrow beam of a flashlight, by our individual subjective awareness. But we don't have to
so limit our self-perceptions... It is as plausible to align our identity with the larger pattern, interexistent with all beings, as to break off one segment of the process and build our borders
- Joanna Macy
Relationships with animals may stir awakenings of humans to their relationships with other creatures.
This right brain awareness is often impeded by Western religious and cultural attitudes about humans
having a God-given dominion over all animals and other living organisms, as well as over the earth
with all her resources.
We can judge the heart of a man by his treatment of animals.
- Immanuel Kant
German philosopher

We do not have to wait for heaven to be surrounded by hope, love and joyfulness. It is here on
earth and has four feet.
- Marcella Dyer
Animal rescuer
The great fault of all ethics hitherto has been that they believed themselves to have to deal
only with the relations of man to man. In reality, however, the question is what is his attitude to
the world and all life that comes within his reach. A man is ethical only when life, as such, is
sacred to him, and that of plants and animals as that of his fellow men, and when he devotes
himself helpfully to all life that is in need of help. Only the universal ethic of the feeling of
responsibility in an ever-widening sphere for all that lives - only that ethic can be founded in
thought... The ethic of Reverence for Life, therefore, comprehends within itself everything that
can be described as love, devotion, and sympathy whether in suffering, joy, or effort.
- Albert Schweitzer
Theologian, musician, philosopher, physician,
Nobel Peace Prize 1953 for his philosophy of
Reverence for Life
Animals are reliable, many full of love, true in their affections, predictable in their actions,
grateful and loyal. Difficult standards for people to live up to.
- Alfred A. Montapert
US Author
Live close to the earth and clear down to your heart.
- Lao Tse
We are members of a vast cosmic orchestra in which each living instrument is essential to the
complementary and harmonious playing of the whole.
J. Allen Boone from Kinship with All Life
US Author on intuitive communication with animals
Or the door of perception that opens first may be one of physical relatedness our planetary oneness.
When we look at the world around us, we find that we are not thrown into chaos and
randomness but are part of the great order, a grand symphony of life. Every molecule in our
body was once a part of previous bodies living or nonliving and will be part of future
bodies. In this sense, our body will not die but will live on, again and again, because life lives
on. We share not only life's molecules but also its basic principles of organization with the rest
of the living world. And since our mind, too, is embodied, our concepts, and metaphors are
embedded in the web of life together with our bodies and brains. We belong to the universe,
we are at home in it, and this experience of belonging can make our lives profoundly
--Fritjof Capra
This awareness may then reawaken our sense of responsibility for the Earth, our greater home in the
cosmos. Philosophers, poets, healers and the wise elders of traditional societies, have often spoken
of these connections.
So divinely is the world organized that every one of us, in our place and time, is in balance
with everything else.
- Goethe
German author, philosopher

If you listen,
not to the pages or preachers
but to the smallest flower growing from a crack in your heart,
you will hear a great song moving across a wide ocean
whose water is the music connecting all the islands of the universe together,
and touching all you will feel it touching you around you...
embracing you with light.
- John Squadra
US artist, poet
Everything in nature contains all the power of nature. Everything is made of one hidden stuff...
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
American author
Our pulse beats in every stranger's throat,
And also there within the flowered ground beneath our feet;
And - teach us to listen!
We can hear it in water, in wood, and even in stone.
We are earth of this earth, and we are bone of its bone.
This is a prayer I sing, for we have forgotten this and so the earth is perishing.
- Barbara Deming,
US feminist, advocate for nonviolent social change
In each of our lives occur transformational moments, fragile as spun glass.
They drift through our lives for a fraction of a second and then shatter.
There's no guarantee we will be able to visualize these critical instants
when they burst into existence.
To do so, we must learn to gaze obliquely at their evanescent scope and beauty.
We'll see lives of those we love, of strangers, of animals, trees, mountains, and seas
all woven into one intimate and continuous network of life
stretching across all manner of time and space.
- Allan J. Hamilton, MD
US surgeon, author
We are the ecosystem, and its a part of us, internally and externally. The ecosystem is water,
air, and earth, and we are water, air, and earth or minerals. Our frustration with the
environment and all the environmental issues is coming to reality now because we are
beginning to realize that we are a part of our environment. We havent been just killing Mother
Earth, we have been killing ourselves. Now we need to heal Mother Earth and heal ourselves.
- J. T. Garrett
Past Associate Director, US Indian Health Service
In swinging on the pendulum of consciousness way over into the left-brained modes of thinking and
relating to the world, we have distanced ourselves in Western society from our intuitive and spiritual
awarenesses. These are the inner senses which connect our consciousness with that of all of nature.
As we expand the boundaries of our conscious and energetic existence, the tendrils of our awakening
individual perceptions grow into the cosmic soil of collective beingness. We then sense how we are
energetically linked with every other part of this planet animal, vegetable and mineral. We are one
organism, one ginormous ecobiological system that is an intimately intertwined being. Included in this
organism is Gaia, our planet, herself a conscious being who supports, nurtures and choreographs
our planetary existence.

They live in wisdom who see themselves in all and all in them.
Bhagavad Gita
When we connect with our right brain modes of relating with the world, another doorway of awareness
that opens in our consciousness is that time is not a barrier to interactions. We can interact with living
beings and with inanimate aspects of our world both backwards and forwards in time. Research in
parapsychology has confirmed that this occurs (Honorton and Ferrari 1989).
If this is a stretch beyond your boggle threshold, consider that you interact with those in your past who
left you legacies of their experiences and understandings of the world in their teachings and
interactions through their social networks and their contributions to the media, just as you will do for
all who come after you.
We clasp the hands of those who go before us,
and the hands of those who come after us;
we enter the little circle of each other's arms,
and the larger circle of lovers
whose hands are joined in a dance,
and the larger circle of all creatures,
passing in and out of life,
who move also in a dance,
to a music so subtle and vast
that no one hears it except in fragments.
- Wendell Berry
Advocate for sustainable agriculture and
for the interconnectedness of all life
And it is vitally important to our survival and the survival of our planet that we expand our awareness
of our connection with every aspect of our planet.
Spirit of Love
That flows against our flesh
Sets it trembling
Moves across it as across grass
Erasing every boundary that we accept
And swings the doors of our lives wide
This is a prayer I sing:
Save our perishing earth!
Spirit that cracks our single selves Eyes fall down eyes,
Hearts escape through the bars of our ribs
To dart into other bodies Save this earth!
The earth is perishing.

This is a prayer I sing.

Spirit that hears each one of us,
Hears all that is Listens, listens, hears us out Inspire us now!
Our own pulse beats in every stranger's throat,
And also there within the flowered ground beneath our
And - teach us to listen! We can hear it in the water, in the wood, and even in
We are earth of this earth, and we are bone of its bone.
This is a prayer I sing, for we have forgotten this and so
The earth in perishing.
- Barbara Deming
American feminist, advocate for
nonviolent social change

Again, left-brain approaches may impede our connecting with and our valuing the rest of creation
except for human beings, and that is even a stretch for many. If humans are viewed as 'others' who

can be disposed of if they prove inconvenient or obstructive to our interests or goals, how much
moreso are we likely to exploit animals, plants, the earth, water and air of our planetary abode?
The right brain approach invites awareness of our wholistic oneness with All That Is, as it is inclusive
and acknowledges our wholistic oneness with the world around us,
The whole idea of compassion
is based on a keen awareness of the interdependence
of all living beings, which are all part of one another
and all involved in one another.
- Thomas Merton
US Catholic writer, poet, social activist,
student of comparative religion
A superior person cares for the well-being of all things.
He does this by accepting responsibility for the energy he manifests,
both actively and in the subtle realm.
Looking at a tree, he sees not an isolated event but root, leaves, trunk, water, soil, and sun:
Each event related to the others, and 'tree' arising out of their relatedness.
Looking at herself or another, he sees the same thing.
- Lao Tsu's Hua Hu Ching
The Unknown Teachings of Lao Tsu
Something inside me has reached to the place
where the world is breathing.
- Kabir
Mystic poet, saint of India
Physicists explore levels of matter; mystics explore levels of mind. What they have in common
is that both levels lie beyond ordinary sense perception...
At this deep level, ecology merges with spirituality because the experience of being connected
with all of nature, of belonging to the universe, is the very essence of spirituality.
- Fritjof Capra
US physicist , systems theorist
One with the universe
When we try and pick out anything by itself, we find it hitched to everything else in the
- John Muir
US naturalist, author,
early advocate of wilderness preservation
Your might be asking yourself, "How can we possibly be one with the universe?" From the left-brain
perspective of our physical world, we would appear to be isolated from other planets, solar systems
and galaxies in the universes universe by (literally) astronomical distances. Even through the fastest
known physical interactions, at the speed of light, it would take four years to reach the nearest star,
Alpha Centauri; and in many cases millions of light years to reach other stars and galaxies.
Some mystics sense a direct awarenesses of our connectedness that extends across outer space to
distant worlds. This is simply an extension of our psychic abilities, which have been amply confirmed

by parapsychology research. Meta-analysis of studies of telepathy (Radin, 1997) demonstrate

significant mind-to-mind communications (p < 10 x 10-8 = odds against chance of 10 billion to 1).
Meta-analysis of studies of clairsentience (Radin, 1997) demonstrate significant awareness of the
inanimate world around us (p < 10 x 10-5 = odds against chance of 10 million to 1). Numerous mystics
have suggested that it is possible for many people to open to such awarenesses.
While no one has confirmed any of the theories proposed to explain psychic abilities, many
speculations have been put forward about resonations in quantum physical dimensions that can cross
the boundaries of space and time (Edge, et al. 1986; Feather and Schmicker 2005; Radin, 1997;
Our needed renewal will come from within ourselves and it will be centered in the playful
awareness that each of us is a living universe, that each one of us, however fitfully, is capable
of rebirth and that each one of us embodies that same love-lighted stuff that fires the atoms
and fuels the stars.
- Rolland Gammon
US writer
Many intuitives and mystics, needing no research to confirm their first-hand experiences, report it is
possible to become aware of life in distant places across our universe.
The truth is, there is no privileged revelation, no hidden knowledge reserved for initiates only
or an esoteric elite. Our cosmic connection is always present (hardwired in us by Nature
herself) and absolutely inviolable. It is our inalienable birthright. We need only claim it. Or
reclaim it, as the case may be. For we are all natural sensitives psychic from the start,
mystically attuned to the larger rhythms of the cosmos since before our physical birth and
forever after our physical death. Only we have forgotten.
- Joseph M. Felser
Author focusing on intuitive awareness
In many healing and mystic traditions it has been taught for centuries that we have come erroneously
to believe that we are one with the universe.
You and I and everything in the universe exist as a part of the endless flow of God's love.
Realizing this, we recognize that all creation is bound together by the same benevolence. To
harmonize with life is to come into accord with that part of God which flows through all things.
To foster and protect all life is both our mission and our prayer.
- Morehei Ueshiba
Founder of Aikido
I live my life in widening circles
that reach out across the world.
I may not ever complete the last one,
But I give myself to it
I have been circling for thousands of years,
And I still don't know:
Am I a falcon, a storm, or a great song.
- Rainer Maria Rilke
Bohemian-Austrian poet focusing on challenges in
communing with the ineffable All

When there is no more separation between this and that,

it is called the still-point of the Tao.
At the still-point in the centre of the circle
one can see the infinite in all things.
- Chuang Tzu
Chinese philosopher
I have been thinking of the difference
between water and the waves on it.
Rising, water is still water,
falling back, It is water.
Will you give me a hint
how to tell then apart?
Because someone has made up the word wave,'
do I have to distinguish it from water?
There is a Secret One inside us;
The planets in all the galaxies
Pass through his hands like beads.
That is a string of beads one should look at
with luminous eyes.
Mystic poet, saint of India
The goal of life is to make your heartbeat match the beat of the universe,
to match your nature with Nature.
- Joseph Campbell
US writer on comparative mythology
and comparative religion
One with the Infinite Source
Many have suggested that each of us is as a cell in the brain of the Infinite Source/the All. I hasten to
share that I prefer the term Infinite Source over the term God because the latter term has been
masculinized in Judao/Christian/Muslim traditions. I believe there are both masculine and feminine
aspects/principles in the Infinite Source. And if we accept that our planet earth is but one of a likely
number like many trillions of planets in the universe on which life is probably present, it is more like
each of us is a subatomic particle/wavicle in the mind of the Infinite Source. And yet, every one of us
makes our unique contribution to the consciousness of the All.
Standing on the bare ground - my head bathed by the blithe air and uplifted into infinite space all mean egotism vanishes. I become a transparent eyeball. I am nothing; I see all; the
currents of the Universal Being circulate through me; I am part or parcel of God. The name of
the nearest friend sounds then foreign and accidental; to be brothers, to be acquaintances,
master or servant, is then a trifle and a disturbance. I am the lover uncontained and immortal
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
US author

Human beings, vegetables, or comic dust,

we all dance to a mysterious tune,
intoned in the distance by an invisible player.
- Albert Einstein
And I have felt a presence that disturbs me with the joy of elevated thoughts;
a sense sublime of something far more deeply interfused,
whose dwelling is the light of setting suns, and the round ocean
and the living air, and the blue sky, and in the mind of man;
emotion and a spirit, that impels all thinking things,
all objects of all thought, and rolls through all things.
- William Wordsworth
English romantic poet
This increased ability to peer deeply into life allows you to look past the Illusion and to
recognize - to 'know again,' to re-cognize - your Reality. It is by this process that you
remember Who You Really Are.
- Neale Donald Walsch (2002a)
US Author
The Essence of Who You Are knows precisely and exactly when the Process of Life Itself calls
for you to merge with the Oneness and to emerge from it, in order for you to Know the bliss of
the Oneness through the Experience and the glory of its Individuation.
The system works perfectly. The balance is precise. The design carries the elegance of a
To the Oneness you return, and from the Oneness you emerge, over and over again, eternally
and forever, and even forever more.
- Neale Donald Walsch (2007)
Profound changes of perception came, without warning, in improbable circumstances. While
dining alone at a restaurant on Long Island, the Presence suddenly intensified until every
person and thing, which had appeared separate in ordinary perception, melted into a timeless
universality and oneness. In the motionless silence, I saw that there are no events or
things and that nothing actually happens because past, present, and future are merely
artifacts of perception, as is the illusion of a separate I, subject to birth and death. As my
limited, false self dissolved into the universal Self of its true origin, there was an ineffable
sense of having returned home, a state of absolute peace and relief from all suffering. For its
only the illusion of individuality that is the origin of all suffering when one realizes that one is
the universe, complete and at one with all that is, forever without end, then no further suffering
is possible.
- David R. Hawkins, MD
US psychiatrist , mystic, spiritual teacher, author
If we accept that we are one with every other human being; with every other living organism; with
every so-called inanimate aspect of our planet earth; and with the vastness of the universe beyond;
and that in fact each and every aspect of the universe including ourselves is a manifestation of the
Infinite Source, then the world we inhabit becomes a very different place. It is no longer a place over

which humans are rulers; no longer a resource for our exploitation. It is a place were each of us has
an obligation to do our best to contribute our best intentions, energies and actions to the collective
Making the decision to do this is an essential but small step. 'Getting there' can be a lifetime's journey.
We feel it is high time for man to branch out and include in his horizon the different forms of life
which are part of his world. He has been forcing his own creations and vibrations on the world
without taking into consideration that all living things are part of the whole, just as he is, placed
there by divine plan and purpose. Each plant, each mineral had its own contribution to make
to the whole, just as each soul has. Man should no longer consider these as lower forms of
life with no intelligence and therefore not to be communicated with
You are not aware of much of inner intelligence and much of your own body is beyond your
control. You are conscious of only a certain part of yourself, and likewise you are conscious of
only a certain part of the life around you. But you can tune into the creator within and around
you. There are vast ranges of consciousness all stemming from the One, the One who is this
consciousness in all of us and whose plan it is that all parts of life become more aware of each
other and more united in the great forward movement which is life, all life, becoming greater
let us grow in consciousness, unity and love under the One.
- Machaelle Small Wright
Developer of Perelandra flower essences
If [man] thinks of the totality as constituted of independent fragments, then that is how his mind
will tend to operate, but if he can include everything coherently and harmoniously in an overall
whole that is undivided, unbroken, and without a border then his mind will tend to move in a
similar way, and from this will flow an orderly action within the whole.
- David Bohm
British quantum physicist, theoretical physicist,
You are constantly being attracted, compelled toward union with one another (and with all that
is in the Matrix), then, at the Moment of Unity, being repelled by conscious choice away from
that Unity. Your choice is to remain free of It, so that you can experience it. For once you
become part of that Unity and remain there, you cannot know it as Unity, since you no longer
know Separation.
Put another way: for God to know Itself as the All of It, God must know Itself as not All of It. In
you and in every other energy unity of the universe God knows Itself as Parts of All and
thus gives Itself the possibility of knowing Itself as the All in All in Its Own Experience. I can
only experience what I am by experiencing what I am not. Yet I am what I am not and so you
see the Divine Dichotomy. Hence, the statement: I Am that I Am.
- Neale Donald Walsch (1997)
US Author
Why is all this important? We human beings are destroying our planet through exhaustion of natural
resources; overpopulation; pollution and global heating. We must awaken from
Our trance of magical thinking, of believing that we have been given dominion over all of creation
for our personal, selfish benefits;

The myth that our planet has an inexhaustible supply of resources that will satisfy our needs;
The beliefs that earning money, and accumulating more 'things' is proof of our success and
status even to the point of indenturing or even enslaving ourselves to banks that lend us money
in order to do this;
The misguided trust that the land and waters and air can continue to sustain us, even if we turn
them into garbage dumps;
The mistaken hope that we can continue to heat the earth with carbon emissions with impunity;
The trust that scientists will figure out ways to 'fix' all of these problems without our having to
change our lifestyles in significant ways.
These false beliefs appear to be aspects of suicidal behaviors of humanity. These facts are known
and well documented in research (Brown, 2008; Hawken, 2007). We are letting our politicians ignore
them, allowing our elected officials to be more responsive to monied interests than to our votes on
issues that are essential to survival of every living organism on our planet. We don't know whether our
children, much less our grandchildren will survive if global heating continues.
If we fail to waken from this cultural trance and mistaken dreams of endless planetary resources, we
don't know when and where we'll reach a tipping point, beyond which there will be no stopping the
processes that will almost certainly eliminate all but the most primitive forms of life on our planet.
Waking up from our lemming's march to the edge of the cliff of planetary destruction is not a choice, it
is an imperative!
Within each of us, in the ground of our being, powers reside for the healing of our world. These
powers do not arise from any ideology, access to the occult, or passion for social activism.
They are inevitable powers. Because we are part of the web of life, we can draw on the
strength and the pain of every creature. This interconnection constitutes our 'deep
ecology': it is the source of our pain for the world as well as our love and appetite for life.
- Joanna Macy
Environmental activist, author,
Scholar of Buddhism, general systems theory
and deep ecology
When we meet
In the heart of the Creator,
Our wounds
Become a Warriors footprint,
Out trials and tribulation
Become a healing balm,
Our dark night,
A passage into day.
- Robert D. Waterman
US Developer of Noetic Field Balancing
As your sense of Oneness increases, the pain and disappointment will vanish from your life.
- Neale Donald Walsch (2002b)
US Author
Many will say that there is nothing they, as individuals, can do to change our situation. That is a
symptom of individual and collective suicidal thinking.

As human beings, our greatness lies not so much in being able to remake the world -- that is
the myth of the atomic age -- as in being able to remake ourselves.
- Mahatma Gandhi
I am done with great things and big things, great institutions and big success, and I am for
those tiny invisible molecular moral forces that work from individual to individual, creeping
through the crannies of the world like so many rootlets, or like the capillary oozing of water, yet
which if you give them time, will rend the hardest monuments of man's pride.
- William James
US psychologist, philosopher, author
Trust nature and do not worry. Leave both you mind and body to nature. Do not recognize
friend or foe in your mind. In your heart let there be generosity as large as the sea which
accepts both clean and unclean water. Let your mind be as merciful as nature which loves the
smallest tree or blade of grass. Let your mind be strong with sincerity that can pierce iron or
stone. Repay the forces of nature, work for the good of all and make yourself a person whom
nature is pleased to let live. This is the true purpose of training.
- Koichi Tohei
Teacher of Aikido
Opening our awareness to our oneness with all other humans, with all living beings, with our planet as
a whole, with the universe and with the Infinite Source is a major step towards finding the ways
through our problems.
There are no passengers on Spaceship Earth. We are all crew.
- Marshall McLuhan
Canadian author, educator, philosopher
You must give birth to your images.
They are the future waiting to be born...
Fear not the strangeness you feel.
The future must enter you
long before it happens.
Just wait for the birth,
for the hour of new clarity.
- Rainier Maria Rilke
Bohemian-Austrian poet focusing on challenges in
communing with the ineffable All
A Statement By Some Evolutionary Leaders:
We will not rest until we build an Earth community that matches all of our love for all of the
1. Everything is at stake.
2. Whatever we do right now, individually and in community, will determine our future.
3. We have the chance to live the most meaningful lives ever lived.
1. Every day, I will take time to remember that everything is at stake.

2. Every day, I will take time to remember what I am grateful for.

3. Every day, I will work to overcome my feelings of separateness and cultivate my feelings of
4. Every day, I will make intentional choices about how I spend my time and money.
5. Every day, I will take time to build connections to a diverse community that inspires,
educates, and empowers action to create a world that works for all.
6. Every day, I will experience the awe of nature that flows from the interconnection of all life.
7. Every day, I will experience the joy and meaning that comes from knowing that what I am
doing is making a difference, in my life, in my community and in the world.

(My apologies for the lack of references for some of the quotes, which have been collected over
several years some of them from sources that did not include the sources.)
Benor, Daniel J, Healing Research: Volume I, Spiritual Healing: Scientific Validation of a Healing
Revolution, Wholistic Healing Publications 2007 (Orig. 2001).
Benor, Daniel J, Healing Research: Volume I, Professional Supplement, Southfield, MI: Vision
Publications, 2001.
Bhagavad Gita, 2:55a
Bohm, David. Wholeness and the Implicate Order, p. xi
Boone, J. Allen. Kinship with All Life
Brown, Lester R.Plan B 3.0: Mobilizing to Save Civilization, New York: WW Norton 2008.
Ching, Hua Hu. The Unknown Teachings of Lao Tsu
Deming, Barbara. We Are All Part of One Another: Barbara Deming Reader, New Society Pub 1984.
Edge, Hoyt L. et al. Foundations of Parapsychology: Exploring the Boundaries of Human Capability,
Boston & London: Routledge and Kegan Paul 1986.
Emerson, Ralph Waldo. Finding Yourself in the World
Feather, Sally Rhine/ Schmicker, Michael. The Gift: ESP - The Extraordinary Experiences of Ordinary
People, New York: St. Martins Press 2005. Finding Yourself in the World
Felser, Joseph M. The Way Back to Paradise: Restoring the Balance between Magic and Reason,
Charlottesville, VA: Hampton Roads Publishing Company 2005, xx.
JT Garrett, Where the medicine wheel meets the medical science, In: McFadden, Steven, Profiles in
Wisdom: Native Elders Speak About the Earth, Santa Fe, New Mexico: Bear & Company
Publishing, 1991, p. 177
Hamilton, Allan J. The Scalpel and the Soul: Encouters with Surgery, the Supernatural, and the
Healing Power of Hope
Hawken, Paul. The Ecology of Commerce: A Declaration of Sustainability, NY: HarperCollins 1993,
Hawken. Paul. Blessed Unrest: How the Largest Movement in the World Came into Being and Why
No One Saw it Coming, NY: Viking/ Penguin 2007.
Hawkins, David R. Power vs. Force: The Hidden Determinants of Human Behavior, Carlsbad: Hay
House, 2002.
Honorton C and Ferrari, DC. Future telling: A meta-analysis of forced-choice precognition
experiments, 1935-1987, Journal of Parapsychology 1989, 53, 281-308.
Lawrence, Jerome/ Lee, Robert E. Inherit the Wind, New York: Random House 2003.
Radin, Dean. The Conscious Universe, New York: HarperCollins 1997.
Radin, Dean. Entangled Minds: Extrasensory Experiences in a Quantum Reality, New York: Paraview
Pocket Books/ Simon & Schuster 2006.

Rilke, Rainer Maria. The Book of Hours

Schweitzer, Albert. Out of My Life and Thought, An Autobiography (1933) translated by C. T.
Campion, Ch. 13, p. 188
Statement By Some Evolutionary Leaders
Wright, Machaelle Small. Behaving as if the God in All Life Mattered: A New Age Ecology,
Jeffersonton, VA: Perelandra, 1987, p. 107.
Squadra, John. This Ecstasy
Tzu, Chuang. 369-286 BCE
Walsch, Neale Donald. Communion With God, New York: Berkley/Penguin 2002(a), p. 90
Walsch, Neale Donald. Communion With God, New York: Berkley/Penguin 2002(b), p 143
Walsch, Neale Donald. Conversations With God: An Uncommon Dialogue, Book 2, Charlottesville,
VA: Hampton Roads Publishing Company, Inc., 1997, p. 90-91
Walsch, Neale Donald. Home With God, New York: Atria 2007, p. 165
Waterman, Robert D. Through The Eyes Of Soul, NM: International Mystery School 2001, p. 39

Daniel J. Benor, MD, Editor in Chief, IJHC

Dr. Benor is author of Seven Minutes to Pain Relief
and of Healing Research, Volumes I-III and many
articles on wholistic healing.
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