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IISC Interview Experience-2012

Posted by Rekha Govindaraj on May 19, 2012

Some of my blog visitors got in touch with during IIT/IISc admission process in
this year- 2012 have shared their experiences to share here so that it helps the
coming IIT/IISc aspirants. I am thankful to them and happy to share this valuable
information on my blog.
Check out these conversation on Emails yourself.


Hi Rekha,
I am Chaitanya from Bangalore. I happen to read your blog and just thought of
getting some doubts cleared. I secured a GATE rank of 480 and a Gate score of
729 in the year 2012. What are my chances at IITs? Also I am interested in the
field of communications and signal processing. How are these departments at IIT
Kharagpur ? Thanks for taking your time to read my mail.
I got selected for admission to IISc in CEDT department. I have been short listed
for IITK in RF and microwaves. Also in IITkgp for all branches for interview. Also
in IITB for Communications in RA category. I am 99% sure that i would be joining
IISc. As I had told you earlier i was originally interested in the field of signal
processing. But, since i have got selected in IISc, i am having second thoughts.
What would you have done?
I have decided to join IISc and I am more than happy to share my experience.
Here it goes.
1. The written test was on April 14, 2012. I guess the total number of candidates
who were shortlisted for written test could be around 600 to 700(because my
rank was 480).So this is just an educated guess. The test comprised of 1mark(8),
2mark(8) and 3mark(8) questions(they were not objective kind). The questions
included design of op-amp based circuits, digital circuits, mathematical
fundamentals(limits, fourier series and stuff), questions based on dc motors, one
question based on physics(F = ma principle), few questions on mechanics, one
question on chemistry(galvanisation),etc. The duration of the test was around 1
hour 15 minutes.
2. The results of the test were announced the same day at 7pm. Totally 157
candidates were shortlisted for interviews. The interview was held over a span of
2 days for all the candidates. There was only one round of inteview. My interview
was slated on April 16th 2.00 PM.
3. Many candidates were asked interview questions mainly based on their degree
project. In my case, I had completed my Engineering in 2009 and then worked as
a lecturer in a private institute for one and a half years. So, they asked me what
were the courses that I taught while I was a lecturer. I had taught a course on
Random Processes and Control systems. Therefore all the questions were based
on these two courses that I had taught.
In random processes, question based on independence of events and a common
problem in that area was asked. In control systems, questions were based on
root locus, PI controller etc. The duration of the interview was 20 minutes. The

results of the interview were announced by the end of April. Totally 19 candidates
were selected for admission out of the 157 candidates who were shortlisted for
4. Few tips that i would like to share:
i) Be confident about what your speaking. Well this confidence would only come
from preparation. There is no point in preparing for an interview the day before
the interview. So, concentrate on learning concepts while preparing for GATE and
not just solving many many problems. In an interview your understanding of
concepts will be tested.
ii) Many candidates with better rank(rank 150, 200 and so on) than me were not
able to crack the interview. Also I must mention that I got the admission under
the general merit category. So, one should not think that the interview is a mere
formality and guys with better ranks only will be given admission finally. Even if
you did not make it to the top in GATE, you can make up for it by giving your best
in the interview (ofcourse first you have to be shortlisted).
iii) I have been a teacher for quite sometime(1.5 years). So i recommend those
who are preparing for GATE to teach some of your juniors in your college or
nearby your house about the concepts that you learnt. That will really help you in
facing interviews.
iv) Also, in an interview even if you are not able to answer a question dont bog
down but show your keeness to learn by asking some questions and clarifications
from the interviewer regarding the topic. Believe me, I asked them as many
questions as they asked me just to have clarity about the question. Also, if you
absolutely dont have any idea regarding a question then you can say that you
dont know the answer.
Finally, I hope that everyone are reading this blog well before you started
preparing for GATE rather than after writing GATE exam and preparing for
interviews. I wish everyone the very best.


i have recently gone through your blog. it is quite informative.. my 2012
gate score is 561 and rank is 2714 in EC.i have done my btech and passing
year is 2011. i am working as a project engineer in iitbombay.. i want
to do mtech in electronic systems in iitbombay. so can you give me any
more tips for cracking iitb interview in EE will be helpful to
get a exact picture of the interview scenario.
thanking you..
with regards
jr. project engineer(hardware)
i did attend a research associate interview in IISC . my final year

project is a pca based face recognition using matlab. so they asked me

various questions in that.
they are

1. why it is called face recognition.. cant i take a image of a banana and

match it and call it banana recognition?

2. then they asked about 2-dim fourier transform and its application on
the image processing.. after all the discussion they asked me why we
usefourier transform here fourier transform should be done in
frequency domain.. where in the 2-d image u find a frequency
parameter. how do you physically realize application of fourier
transform in case of image processing..

3. then they told me to draw a non inverting amplifier of gain 10 using

opamp. i did draw with a R1= 1 k and RF= 9 k they they asked that why
did you choose the values can i take 100k and 900k or 1M and 9M or 1E
or 9E .. i know there is some restriction of loading but how to
answer this question.

4. can you see the hole? if yes justify if no justify.

5. how to convert a analog to digital signal???? when i told them abt

the sampling process they said no no not that what is the scheme to be
followed so how this question should be answered

and most importantly how to react when i dont know a answer but has a
slight hint of the answer..
what areas i should prepare and which text to follow when they ask abt my
project. mostly the ask advanced aspects of my project..
Ans1. It is as good as asking: how face recognition system is different from any
othr recognition system.. U must knw this.. What key features and database you

are using for recognition.. There are some assumptions about any new data u get
for recognition rite..!! to say ur project as face recognition and not as Banana
recognition..These things. Its all tech details on your project..Think its very easy
to answer..But u need to take ur time and think positively..
Ans2. Frequency in image says abt sharp edges in image.. If you filter image for
low frequency components you get a image with edges somewhat blurred
compared to original one..and High frequency image will have shrp edges high
lighted in it.. Any text will give u this ans..this is importance of frequency domain
for an image..
Ans.3: Noise concern to use large value large in attached
doc sloa082.
Ans 4. : I think this question can be answered by considering the angle of
depression and angle of elevation when we look inside the hole and then the
ground level. Basically depth is the property of the hole needs to be proved to
say there is a hole exists.
Ans 5. May be you were expected to explain sampling frequency
determination. Even I am not able to find what was there expectation. But you
would have asked them for clarity in question and to know what were they
exactly expecting from you. Be free and confident to ask questions to have
clarity on the questions in any interview.
Ans 6: I suggest the same as said by Chaitanya in the above tips. For that
matter in any interview, Asking more questions and being interactive with
interviewer shows how confident you are. Also here you need to be very careful
in your tone ; it may sound over confident and dominating the interviewer , this
may not be good for you. Be humble, show keenness to learn.. Accept if you
dont have any idea of the topic.
Ans6: Be clear and good with the basic concepts on your project. Follow
standard text books. Think more on practical applications of the project. Discuss
your project with some expert faculty in your college and with friends. Try to
know the obvious questions on your project and have best answers . This comes
only by practical thinking on the project. Think if much more work can be done
in the project and how can u make it better. What is challenging part in that.
Always project has broader spectrum to pose questions and will depend on the
interviewers familiarity and experience with the project topic. Be confident ,
think and answer.
Frm my frnd Amit More, IITkgp:
Ans1. I think it is called face recognition because we are trying to recognize input
image (whichever it is, a banana or Human face) against database which is
generated from FACIAL images, which makes it face recognition.
Ans2. Frequency in spatial domain for Images corresponds to signal which
changes with particular period (inverse of frequency). Which means if my image
shows frequency of 1 or 2 in its FT along say, horizontal dimension, means there

is a signal (visual pattern in case of images) which shows 1 or 2 transition in its

intensity along that dimension.
The edges present in the images correspond to some frequency component
along perpendicular direction of edge in a frequency domain. In face recognition
some key features of images (Face) are extracted & stored. I am not aware of
Face recognition algorithm so cant tell why exactly FT is used in Face recognition,
but FT will extract frequency from images which may give some info. abt pattern
of image.
PCA is also a kind of transform which gives info abt pattern of image.


Hello Rekha,

I wanted to share with you the written test and the interview process at
Electronic systems engineering department at IISC.
There were analog as well as digital systems design questions:
1. Implement a NOT gate using a 4:1 MUX , in as many ways as possible?
2. If a multimeter is connected across a PN junction diode, how much voltage it
will read and why?
3.There was a question on limits from Mathematics, lim x3 {Sin(x-3)/(x-3)} = ?
4. Design an OpAmp circuit, which glows LED at a rate of no more than 20
* hint :this question is based upon slew rate of opamp, to be less than or equal to
20, make a non inverting amplifier , with (slew rate <= 20)
5.Anotheropamp related design question:
Design a circuit, which has three LEDs( red ,green, yellow),
red LED glows when input>1volt
green LED glows when input> 2 volt.
yellow LED glows when input> 3 volt.

*hint Make a clipper circuit having three parallel branches, each branch
containing an LED and voltage sources as follows:
Red Led should be reverse biased with 1V
green LED should be reverse biased with 2V
yellow LED should be reverse biased with 3V.
the whole above parallel arrangement is preceeded by a non invertingOPamp
amplifier of gain unity( i.e just keep a voltage follower)

6. Question on 3-dimensional spherical body and we are required to draw

projections on 2-d plane.( projections namely TOP, lateral, bottom surfaces)

well, I remember these questions correctly, I will update u , if I remember more.

The interview had the following questions:
1. What are the subjects are you comfortable with? my reply was Signal n
systems, Analog circuit design, Semiconductor physics.
2. As light is a signal, can you write an equation for the light falling from the
tubelight in this room and how many independent variables will the equation
3. A question on Aliasing and how to prevent it?
4. Questions on your final year project, which will be brainstorming..
5. Questions on work experience in industry, the project which you did at JOB and
its importance.
Summing, it comes 18-20 mins..
Happy to present you and to help you, help others preparing for GATE to enter
temples of Learning(IIT/IISc) .
Best Regards,
Avinash Chander.

Many more will be coming up from other visitors after complete admission
process. Hope it helps you.
All the very best.

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