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2) How does your media product present particular social groups and how does it

attract your audience?

My media product presents particular social groups by gender, socio economic group and
As the opening of our filming shows a long shot of two girls, this immediately tells that
the film is relating to females. A way this is told is the little girl and this is conveyed
through the use of mise en scene (costume: school uniform). Females tend to be very
emotional when it comes to kids that are not mature enough to look after themselves. An
example of this in our film is the long shot of the antagonist body language, when she
realizes she had just lost a child and how impatient she is.
This follows the female stereotype of not being able to handle any minor thing that has
just happened within some seconds in time.

The selection of our cast presents the age of our film. The antagonist is represented as a
teenager by the way she was dressed and acting with the little girl. She knew and
understood what the little girl understands as fun, because she was able to play along with
the game the little girl wanted. This shows the antagonist is still quite young and still has
her child/primary school time experience and this means she just recently or may have
just left her childhood times.

However the product represent particular social groups by making them fall in between
middle and lower class. This is conveyed through the location being used, blocks of flats
are mainly lived in by people who can only afford their needs and little part of what they
want to please them for social reasons.

Both our antagonist and victim’s appearance and relationship are similar with
both antagonist and victim in Man on fire.

Relationship: Loving, caring, understanding etc.

Victims Costumes: school uniform
Antagonist costume: Smart and reliable

Differences: Ethnicity and age

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