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The age category we wanted our audience to fall into was 18-21 but we wanted to find out whether

our 2 minute opening sequence attracted this age category. Our results show that the majority of
our audience was 18-21 which is the results we were looking for.

We wanted to find out who our main target audience was and our results showed us our main target
audience was male.
The results show that our audience preferred our storyline most. It also shows that they like our
characters a lot. Less people liked our location, cast and music.

This is a good result because I believe we worked the hardest on our storyline so it should get the
most credit.
Our results show that 100% of our audience think there is a clear protagonist and antagonist in our
storyline/opening sequence. This is very good because it tells us they were not confused when they
watched it.

These results show that our audience read our script and realised that our main character (Alex) was
bullied by his victims and was not killing them for no reason. They feel pity for him.

Our audience believe that our weakest element of out opening sequence is our location and our
music. They seem to prefer our characters, storyline and cast.
The majority of people that read our synopsis and script thin it fits in with our horror genre. This is a
great result because it shows us we are on the right track.

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