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MATRIC NO : DB180065

1. Which sociology theory do you think best explain the movie GIFTED? Justify your answer
by discussing the plot/storyline on whole or any relevant segregated scenes.

From my perspective, theory that I can see in that movie is Conflict Thoery. According
to conflict theory, those with wealth and power try to hold on to it by any means possible,
chiefly by suppressing the poor and powerless. A basic premise of conflict theory is that
individuals and groups within society will work to try to maximize their own wealth and power.
Conflict theory views social and economic institutions as tools of the struggle between groups
or classes, used to maintain inequality and the dominance of the ruling class.
Here, I want support my theory with few storylines. Frank's plans for a normal school
life for Mary are foiled when the 7-year-old's mathematical abilities come to the attention of
Frank's formidable mother, Evelyn whose plans for her granddaughter threaten to separate
Frank and Mary.

2. How does the school as social institution address the conflict of having children with
different intellectual ability? You may want to discuss the school intervention, role of a
teacher, school-parents relationship.

The school as microcosms of society brings together different views of the world,
different ways of being, thinking, and living, thus becoming a space for representing social
differences and being a place where different conflicts occur daily. Dealing with this situation
type requires learning and that is why teachers need training in conflict management so that
they can correctly manage the classroom conflicts and educate also your students for conflict

If students need more and more intense interventions, it can be an early sign of learning
differences. It can also help schools determine who qualifies for special education. For
example, in this movie “GIFTED” the school suggested to the guardian of the student, Mary
where she has different intellectual ability and she need special care. The school acknowledge
her extra abilities and they want her to be transfer to better school .

In this movie we can see clearly, the class teacher of Mary plays a beautiful role where
even the child being rude to the class teacher but the class teacher remains calm and try to
handle that special kid. She even prepared difficult questions for the student, Mary to know
more about her abilities.
School-parents relationship were clearly be seen from the starting of the movie, where
the class teacher took personal care and attention on her student, Mary and she keep advice
Mary’s guardian to look over it. Here we can see the class teacher taking initiative to solve the
conflict that keep facing in class.

3. " No friends, no social skills, "Nobody like smart ass" and Diane Adler (Mary's mom)
missing out normal childhood, commit suicide - These excerpts show detachment, discuss it
from the point of norms and value of society.

Deprivations, isolation, discreditation and the deleterious effects of excessive

regulation and control all cause women to suffer as they experience to commit suicide. These
are not medical problems. Yet, they often become so once they cause, as they inevitably do,
stress and anxiety.
Suicide carries a social and moral meaning in all societies. At both the individual and
population levels, the suicide rate has long been understood to correlate with cultural, social,
political, and economic forces.
Society and culture play an enormous role in dictating how people respond to and view
mental health and suicide. Culture influences the way in which we define and experience
mental health and mental illness, our ability to access care and the nature of the care we seek,
the quality of the interaction between provider and patient in the health care system, and our
response to intervention and treatment.

4. Frank Adler, Bonnie Stevenson, Roberta, Evelyn Adler and Edward (the judge).

- Are they from the same social class?

No, they aren’t . Social class define as a division of a society based on social and economic
status. Evelyn Adler and Edward the judge can be categorized as Elite class. Frank Adler ,
Mary’s uncle is from Elite class because he is son of Evelyn Adler. But he reject that life and
being Precariat , where he repair the boats and having a simple life. Meanwhile, Bonnie

Stevenson is Mary’s class teacher living as Established middle class. Roberta plays a role as
Franks neighbour , living as Traditional working class.

- Do you think they acquire different or same social status?

Everyone having different social status.

- What makes their social class and status the same or different from each other?\

Their education and job differentiate their social class and status.

- In which position do they belong in social stratification?

Social stratification refers to a society's categorization of its people into groups based on
socioeconomic factors like wealth, income, race, education, ethnicity, gender, occupation,
social status, or derived power.

Evelyn Adler and Edward the judge categorized as upper class. While, Bonnie
Stevenson categorized as Semi-prof class because she has a decent professional job. Frank
Adler and Roberta, categorized as Marginal Working class.

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