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Shape Up with

By Caroline Sandry Photos: Shot on location in Antibes courtesy of JPP pics

Yoga has been practised for centuries, and is

known for its many health benefits. Its appeal is
timeless and stretches across the universe, from
its humble beginnings in India, to the larger
than life celebrity followers in the 21st century
western world.

oga appeals to many women

as although it can be seen as a
gentle form of exercise it can
deliver powerful results think
of Madonna or Geri Haliwells
amazing physiques. The Yogi or Yoginis
body is generally slim, flexible and well
toned. Arms can become defined, but never

Sun Salutation
The following dynamic sequence is called a
sun salutation series. It will stretch,
strengthen and energise the entire body. Try
to focus on coordinating your breath with
the movement, keeping the sequence fluid
and continuously moving. The sun salutation
is also a fantastic wake up in the morning, or

Yoga appeals to many women as although it

can be seen as a gentle form of exercise it can
deliver powerful results think of Madonna
or Geri Haliwells amazing physiques
bulky, and according to what type of yoga
you prefer you can build amazing strength
and stamina throughout your entire body.
The following Hatha yoga postures are
chosen to condition the entire body from top
to toe. If you are new to yoga then take your
time getting comfortable in each position.
Never push yourself beyond comfortable
there should be no competition. And always
practice yoga on an empty stomach, as the
postures work on your internal organs as
well as your outer physical structure.



a good warm up for most sports

Each posture is explained in detail. If
you are new to yoga, take the time to
practice each posture individually before
doing the sequence detailed exercise
descriptions follow.

Stand up straight with your feet

together and arms reaching down
towards the floor in Mountain
pose. Gaze straight ahead, stand very
tall, straight and centred. Inhale

Exhale and as you inhale circle your

arms out to the side and up overhead,
then bring the palms together and
stretch up and slightly back, extending
your chest upwards towards the sun.
Exhale and fold forward from your hips
into Forward Bend, bending your
knees in order to place your hands on
the floor.
Inhale and step the right leg back into
a lunge position, and then hold the
breath as you step the left leg back to
form a Plank.
Exhale and lower yourself into the
Inhale up into the Cobra.
Exhale and push hips back and up into
Downward Dog.
From Downward Dog, look up and
inhale as you step your right leg
forward to lunge again.
Exhale and step both feet together into
Forward Bend.
Inhale and reach and stretch the arms
back overhead.
Exhale back to Mountain Pose.

Take a couple of deep, steady breaths and

start the sequence again, stepping back on
the left leg this time.
Start out with three repetitions of the
sequence, and build up to six.
The following postures can be practised
individually. I recommend practising the
sun salutation series, and then holding
each of the following postures for 3 to 4
breaths unless otherwise indicated. Use
child pose to rest when needed, and
always work with a calm mindset. Never
rush your yoga, and try to stay fully aware
in each posture, listening to your breath
and listening to your body.

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exhale to bend your elbows and lower
your chest between your hands. Stop
when your upper body is just above the
floor with your elbows in tight by your
sides. Tuck your toes under and lift your
knees to straighten your legs, lowering
your body until you are parallel to the floor.
Exhale, rest for a couple of breaths before
returning to all fours and repeating.
(Beginners can keep knees on the floor
until they develop the strength to practice
the full posture)


Mountain Pose
good for focus and postural
Stand straight with feet together or hipwidth apart. Your weight should be in the
centre of your feet with toes resting lightly
on the floor. Shoulders should be open and
wide, with arms relaxed but extended
toward the floor. Lift the chest and
elongate the abdomen. Eyes gaze softly
forward and breath is long and focused.

This stretches and opens the front

of the hips and builds strength in
the legs and back
From an all fours kneeling position with
your palms pressed into the floor and arms
long, exhale and bring your right leg
forward between your hands so that your
right knee is directly above your ankle.
Sink your hips towards the floor stretching
out the front of the left hip. Come up onto
your fingertips if this is more comfortable.
As you advance, you can tuck your left
foots toes under and step the foot back
a little to deepen the stretch. Lifting the
back knee from the floor and placing the
hands gently on the thigh will advance
this further.

great for countering rounded
shoulders and strengthening the
upper back and shoulders
Lie on the floor with face down and legs
together. Place your hands under your
shoulders with your fingers in line with
collar bones and spread wide. Keep your
elbows tight against your sides. Inhale and
lift upwards from the sternum and chest,
keeping the neck long. Exhale to slowly
come back down.


Forward bend
stretches the entire spine and
hamstrings, a calming inversion
From mountain pose inhale and stretch
arms up overhead. Exhale and fold forward
from the hips, reaching arms forward as
you fold down. Try to keep your back as
straight as is comfortable and bend your
knees to accommodate hamstring
length/tightness. Allow your upper body to
rest on your thighs and keep the back
long. Breathe steady. As you progress, lift
you sitting bones upwards - lengthening
through the back of the legs exhaling to
take the stretch deeper.
(Beginners or anyone with high blood
pressure can do a half-forward bend
resting the hands on the back of a chair,
keeping their back parallel to the floor.)

a great core strength exercise

popular in general sports and
conditioning. Strengthens abs, back
and shoulders
From an all fours position with knees, hipwidth apart and palms pressed into the
floor, straighten the legs supporting your
weight on your hands and toes. Tuck your
tailbone under slightly and keep your
abdomen drawn in flat toward your spine.
Hold the body dead straight like a plank
and breathe steadily.

a challenging static posture which
strengthens the arms, back and
Start on all fours with knees under your
hips and your hands slightly in front of
your shoulders. Inhale to prepare, and

Downward dog
a calming inversion which
strengthens the arms, shoulders
and back whilst lengthening the
entire back of the body
From all fours with knees hip-width
apart and palms pressed into the floor,
exhale and lift your hips up and back.
Keep knees bent to begin with, and
then gently straighten the legs,
extending the heels towards the floor.
Keep lifting the hips high and slide the
shoulder blades down the spine, away
from your ears. Breathe evenly as you
hold the posture, and exhale to bend
knees and return to the floor. Rest in
childs pose afterwards.
(Beginners or those with high blood
pressure can rest their hands on a chair,
in a half downward dog. If you have a
back problem, keep knees bent



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One leg bridge

a strong backbend and gentle
inversion, opens the chest and
spine, strengthens thighs, buttocks
and spine
Lie on your back on the floor, knees hipwidth apart. Exhale and push hips up to
form a straight line form knee to hip to
shoulder. Beginners rest here. Place hands
under the lower back and pelvis fingers
outwards and gently lift hips higher into a
backbend (beyond a straight line). Exhale,
engage abs and raise the right leg high
above the right hip. Hold and breathe. Lower
the leg, find your balance and exhale to lift
the left leg. When you return the hips back to
the floor, hug your knees to your chest and
gently rock form side to side for 10 breaths.

Warrior 11
opens hips, strengthens back,
thighs and hips, stretches
adductors. Great for stamina
From mountain pose, step the feet wide
apart. Turn the right foot forwards and the
left foot slightly forwards. Inhale and lift
arms to shoulder height, exhale and bend
the right knee until the knee is above the
ankle. Lift the chest and reach to make
the arms long. Turn the head to gaze
along the right arm and continue to
breathe steadily Keep the left leg strong
and straight. Inhale as you straighten the
right knee and turn feet back to parallel.
Repeat on the left leg.

strengthens the shoulder girdle, upper
back, arms, core and abs
On all fours, lower down onto elbows.
Ensure elbows are shoulder-width apart by
wrapping your fingers around each
opposite elbow, and then clasping your

Warrior 1
strengthens entire lower body,
builds stamina and balance
From lunge position, inhale and engage
abs as you rise into standing lunge. Lift the
arms up alongside the ears. Squeeze your
bottom and keep your abs tight as you
hold and breathe steady. Keep the legs
active tensing the thighs and drawing up
through the pelvic floor.
Or from mountain pose, step one foot
forward, stretch the arms out at shoulder
height, and bend your front leg until the
knee is above and in line with the ankle as
you lift your arms up beside your ears.
Hold steady and keep your legs strong and
grounded, pressing the back heel into the
floor and squeezing the buttocks.



If you are new to

yoga, take the time
to practice each
posture individually
before doing the
hands together in front of you. Raise your
hips toward the ceiling so your body forms
an inverted V.
Inhale to rock your body forwards, so
that your chin comes over and in front of
your hands, exhale to push back to
starting V position and repeat 8 to 10
times in time with your breath.
(Beginners can start on the knees and
build up to full position. This is not
suitable for anyone with a neck or
shoulder injury)

strengthens abs, back and hip
Sit up tall, with legs out straight. Place
your hands behind you on the floor and lift
your chest. Exhale to bend your knees and
lift your feet from the floor. Inhale to
balance, and exhale to bring your arms
forward parallel to the floor. Hold here
and balance keeping your navel drawn
into your spine. To advance - straighten
the legs and hold.

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Cat series
great for spine mobility,
strengthens core and
On all fours like a cat place
your hands under your
shoulders with your palms
pressed into the floor and
shoulders away from your
ears. Engage navel to spine
and straighten one leg behind
you, inhale to bend elbows
and lower chest between your
hands. Keep your elbows in
tight to work triceps. Repeat 8
to 10 times and the come back
to all fours. Exhale to extend
your other leg, and take your
hands slightly wider, with
fingertips pointing slightly
inwards. This time lower chest
between hands with elbows
wide, to work the chest.
Repeat 8 to 10 times.

Child Pose
stretches the spine, relaxes the body. Perfect counter
posture to any backbends or as a rest between postures
Sit your bottom on your heels, and rest your forehead on the floor. Let
your shoulders, neck and arms completely relax and breathe deeply.

After each yoga session, rest in Sivasana (Corpse pose)

for around 5 minutes: lie flat on your back with legs shoulderwidth apart, arms out stretched and palms turned up to the
ceiling. Consciously relax each part of your body and breathe
slowly into your abdomen. Yoga can be practised every day.
If you have any form of back, neck or shoulder injury, then
please consult a doctor or specialist before attempting this
yoga series. UF

Caroline wears - top by No Balls, shorts by USA pro &

trainers by Asics.

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Gaiam have a great selection of Yoga DVDs to try at

home. We love Ashtanga Yoga for beginners with
instructor Nicki Doane.
The DVD features great extras such as a pose guide,
advanced Ashtanga demo and an interview with Nicki.
Ashtanga Yoga is a challenging form of yoga that will help
yo strengthen and tone whilst increasing the heart rate.
Available from -

Yamarama is mix & match yoga/active wear. Designed and

tested by an experienced Bikram yoga teacher.
Designed with technical fabrics such as SUPPLEX
they are stylish, comfortable and ready to cope
with the heat of Bikram!
I am loving the outfit - it is really flattering,
supportive and moves well with your body.
All garments are flat - seamed and have heat transfer
labels to prevent skin irritation, inbuilt waist panels
and bras for support and pre-shrunk fabric for a
length that lasts. Pictured are the Give Me Strength
Vest in Violet, 40 and the Karma Capris, in
Violet/Black 55.00.
Prices range from Bras at 30 to Capri trousers
from 50 to 60
Available at

The Organic Pharmacy has wonderful pure

products that reflect the Yogi ethos - Rose
Face Mist is a wonderful calming spray to
freshen up during or after your yoga
session, (it is heavenly after Bikram yoga!)
and the peppermint and manuka honey
foot cream will keep your feet in great
condition for the mat. Also available are
some beautiful scented candles to create
your own zen atmosphere at home.



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Top Sports

under review

Whether running, working out in the gym or at home,

you want clothing that is stylish, practical, easy to care
for and competitively priced. ultraFIT has cast its eagle
eye over the market and has come up with four great
Asics Inner hirt
workout tops.
scle Tee s


Inner muscle is a highly innovative range of garments from Asics. It's

designed to provide support for your skeleton. The kit help train your
own inner muscles (the smaller, stabilising postural muscles) and stabilises
scapula movement. It supposedly also increases breathing volume by
using a diamond shaped panel which subtly pulls the shoulder blades
together and helps straighten the spine, thus opening up your lungs.
I cant promise you this, but wearing the top definitely gave a feeling of
support and during longer training runs when your posture might suffer, this
will remind you to stay tall and straight. It also looks great on.
The bran
d name
most ult
raFIT gir elf is great, alth
ls do ha
Our hot
ve balls!
is the Fit
top - 3
ness Cro
9, made
in luxuri
ously so
ance fab
ft, silky
ric which
super- fa
st drying
. The sh
ape is su nd is
and is g
reat for
wears th
is for the er busts.
see pag
e 22)
Yoga wo


No Ball



elliegray have a lovely

feminine range of workout
wear suitable for the gym,
Yoga or Pilates. They also have
great every day wear. We have
chosen this cool yellow crossover vest because it looks great
on, is very comfortable and
comes at a great price of 6 at
present (sale price)

19-6 p22 Womens Fitness:Layout 1 07/07/2009 21:04 Page 29


Always associated with performance and

style, Adidas have created a real winner.
This Supernova Graphic Racer top is a great
colour, has a superb fit and is made from
great fabric it is peachy soft and stretchy.
The built in support actually has a bra style
fastener for a close fit, and the cut of the
shoulder is incredibly flattering. Perfect for
any sport or workout.
27 from


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