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Fitness isn't always an inspirational journey. When you're working out on your
own, it can be hard to keep your spirits and your motivation high. Arranging for a
fitness challenge has two specific benefits. Not only will you help people in your
community become more fit and healthy, but you'll stay motivated to stay on track with
daily exercise too. Putting a challenge together for your office, church, family or group
of friends means you get the support that you need while ensuring that others reap the
benefits of a healthy, active lifestyle.

It seems that these days there’s a new 30-day fitness

challenge being posted online every other week. You’ve
got squat challenges, the plank challenge, a pushup
challenge, the 10,000 kettle bell swing challenge, and
more. A 30-day fitness challenge is a great way to
supplement your regular routine. Most of them take only
10-20 minutes a day to complete, and they all get you to
be a little more active than you would have been


STEP 1: After downloading the 30 day

challenge app from Google Play store, you
may now click the downloaded app from
the list of applications on your mobile
phone. Good thing about this application
is that it’s a free download app.
Wait for it to load…

STEP 2: Click
the button below
to get you

STEP 3: Choose your gender. To

give your body the best workout.

STEP 4: Start a plan first. It is
very important to have a guide or
plan before you start doing

For example
on your first
exercise you
select push

STEP 5: Since you are only a

beginner, start first with the basic
exercise. For Day 1, you will have
1 set, 1 minute push up.

The good thing

about this app is
that you have the
chance to select
from any level of
difficulty with that
of your preferred
Worry no more because there is
a guide that will help you
perform your desired workout
properly. In case some of you are
not familiar with it.

A variety of exercise that will help you toned all the muscles in your body offers by
this app.

Get your whole body toned and feel like the best version of yourself. Drop any
extra weight with minimum struggle and see a noticeable difference in your shape in 30
days. Try it now, follow the 30 Day Fitness Challenge and see your fat cells melt away. 
Invest some minutes every day for 30 days of your life and observe your body
getting into the shape you aim for. Start with regular warm ups followed by exercises
that will slim your entire body. Take it easy on the first couple of days and gradually
increase your counts per set. Surpass your expectations, achieve your daily goal, and
share it with your friends on different social platforms. See your weight drop and your
muscle grow in no time. You are special and so is your body. Take care of it and stay
away from diseases like diabetes and obesity by exercising daily. Most of these
challenges are not meant to replace your workout routine, only supplement it. Unless
the routine for the 30-day fitness challenge requires 2-3 hours a week and involves a
total body workout including core and flexibility exercises you should probably still be
making it into the gym for your normal workouts. You may be a bit sore the first few
days of the challenge in certain spots, but by the end you should be killing it in both the
challenge and with your regular routine! Nothing comes without any effort, let’s be fit!

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