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Website Credibility

1. Enter secondary components of the topic or idea into the symbols labeled with letters.
2. Continue to break down each of the secondary components into parts using the symbols labeled with
A. Give the page a quick once over.
1. Who wrote the page?
2. Is it an old page?
3. Does the author sound qualified for the subject?
B. Information quality.
1. Are the sources documented?
2. Is the information that's cited complete?
3. Are there links to other resources?
C. What is the opinion of others about this page?
1. Who else links to this page?
2. Is this site listed in reputable directories?
3. What do people have to say about the author of the page?
1. Is it a personal page?
2. What type of domain name does it have?
3. Is the publisher real?
E. Does your gut say something is fishy?
1. Why was the page really created?
2. Could the website be a joke?
3. Does it seem as credible as regular print sources?

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