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Mercury in Pisces, in its fall

The breezes at dawn have secrets to

tell you
Don't go back to sleep!
You must ask for what you really want.
Don't go back to sleep!
People are going back and forth
across the doorsill where the two worlds
The door is round and open
Don't go back to sleep!

Keynote: The mind is impressionable and intuitive.

Symbol: A child listens to the sound of the sea in a shell.
Although Mercury is in detriment in Pisces, this position does not impair intelligence.
It merely suggests that the mind resists the rule of pure logic and refuses to be
pinned down to hard facts. There are, on the other hand, soft facts pertaining to the
realms of instinct and intuition which are no less significant realities in the scheme of
Mercury is also in its fall in this sign, showing that ultimately criticism and analysis
must be dissolved in compassion, thereby making love rather than intellect the
guiding principle of life. The attitude characteristic of this placement is expressed in
the following anonymous quatrain:
Reason has moons, but moons not hers
Lie mirrored on the sea,
Confounding her astronomers,
But oh, delighting me.
Whimsical and poetic, Mercurial Pisceans are likely to succeed in fields which allow
them to make use of their creative imagination and love of fantasy. Sometimes they
are aware of circumstances and events without knowing how or why. Ideas filter
through the pores of their minds, coming unbidden for obscure reasons. Pisceans may
also have psychic or mediumistic talents.

Members of this sign are well suited to be writers, musicians, actors, or

entertainers. Because of their mental permeability, they excel in any capacity in which
the mind serves as a sounding board for the transmission of subtle impulses and
impressions. Literally, their conduct depends upon the quality of the energies they
conduct through their sensitive nervous systems. Often they appear to be
absentminded and indecisive simply because they are functioning as instruments for,
rather than originators of, the thoughts that waft them hither and yon.
When the Sun and Mercury are both in Pisces, the mind is more inspired, but it is
also edged with a certain flightiness unless the ability to concentrate is shown
elsewhere in the chart. These susceptible souls often suffer emotionally as a result of
their thin-skinned impressionability. Frequently misunderstood, they may withdraw
into themselves and become reclusive. Yet they are generally kind, helpful, and
eager to be of assistance to people in trouble. They need protection because, due to
their willingness to listen to any tale of woe, they are easily duped.


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